Okay, so I am updating half of my sounds on my WINDOWS computer, to pony sounds of the mane cast and etc.
But I need help…I cannot do all of them.
I know this is not a pony forum but It is important for me.
Okay I am going to give you guys a list of the sounds I updated and the sounds i didn't.
Asterisk sound- Applejack saying ,,oohooohoooh''
Critical Batery sound-Spike yelling ,,NOOO..!!!''
Critical stop- a part of Never gonna give you up where it says ,,We know THE GAME and we gon play it, by the way you just lost it''
Default Beep- (Nothing, help me with this one)
Device connect- Rainbow dash ,,So awesome!''
Device disconnect – Rainbow Dash ,,Not cool''
Device failed to connect – (Nothing, help me with this one)
Exclamation – (Nothing, help me with this one)
Exit windows- Applejack ,,See yall' later''
Low battery alarm- (Nothing, help me with this one)
New mail notification – (Nothing, help me with this one)
Start Windows – Rarity – ,,It..Is..ON''
System notification- (Nothing, help me with this one)
Windows logoff-(Nothing, help me with this one)
WIndows logon- (Nothing, help me with this one)
That is all everybody, please leave feedback here <;(