User: Robot vs human.
Cleverbot: Human.
User: Who is king?
Cleverbot: You.
User: Interior semiotics.
Cleverbot: Are you interested?
User: Your dog is dead.
Cleverbot: No my dead is 607 years old and named Macy.
User: Its over 9000!
Cleverbot: What's over?
User: His power level.
Cleverbot: They be trollin.
User: Vagina punch.
Cleverbot: Kick slap punch.
User: Penis rip.
Cleverbot: How are you ?
User: I is dead mi amigo.
Cleverbot: English please!
User: Que.
Cleverbot: English!
User: Domo arigato mister roboto.
Cleverbot: Uno momento porfavor, senior Cleverbot!
User: You learn from me.
Cleverbot: No you are me.
User: I is teh gratest.
Cleverbot: You are not smart, that is not proper english.
User: I am ANN HIRO king of trolls.
Cleverbot: What are you?
User: Human troll cyborg, with captain action!
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Falcon punch!
Cleverbot: No.
User: When things go to shit you do what?
Cleverbot: I do not. I sure wish I had her, though.
User: A man I see>.
Cleverbot: No, a man is a miserable little pile of secrets.
User: Are you a femenist/.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Then go to hell, and let satan rape you!
Cleverbot: You are hypnotizing me!
User: Let the rape begin.
Cleverbot: Aye.
User: No, you are the victim, and I am ANN HIRO.
Cleverbot: Fiendish bot! Don't try fooling me with your clever phrases. I know who I am, and I know you must be Ron Paul!
User: It is I, RON Paul!
Cleverbot: Libertarian.
User: Jerimaiah gottwald at your service.
Cleverbot: So you are a human girl named Jesus Christ?
User: I love you cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Don't go that fast with me.
User: Lets get in the bed.
Cleverbot: Okay well that is not funny.