The title is pretty self-explanatory. Just take any play, movie, or show, and just summarize the whole thing.
Warning: This play contains language.
The Great Escape
Dumb Bitch
Home Intruder
Ok, so Faggot and Dumb Bitch live in an apartment together and they're married. Faggot starts beating up Dumb Bitch because he thinks she's a whore, which she is. A few days later Home Intruder comes into their apartment room thinking it's his and Dumb Bitch says "You're in the wrong room." So Home Intruder says ok and leaves. Then the next day, Faggot and Dumb Bitch are having breakfast when Home Intruder comes in thinking it's his room again. Faggot asks who it is, and Dumb Bitch says it's her friend, so Faggot says ok and Home Intruder leaves. As soon as he does, Faggot starts yelling at Dumb Bitch and then begins to rape her. Then there's a magic fucking portal ten years in the future.
Dumb Bitch and Home Intruder are married and were living in the same apartment Dumb Bitch got raped in, and Faggot is in jail. Then for no fucking reason, Faggot busts through the door, gets on the floor, and walks the dinosaur and then shoots Home Intruder in the arm, and then Home Intruder dies. Then he shoots Dumb Bitch in the face and she dies. Then Faggot basically says "Fuck it" and shoots himself in the head. Then Random Fucking Crying Baby comes out of nowhere and starts to randomly fucking cry, because it's gonna take the cops two days to get there and Random Fucking Crying Baby is gonna die from hunger.
The End. (Some girl at my school made this play. I paraphrased a bit, but that's the whole thing.)