You get a head craebe, along with some sort of ship
I insert 3 PS3's
Forums / Fun! / Just For Fun
320,842 total conversations in 9,947 threads
Magic Soda Machine
Last posted
May 12, 2013 at 08:27AM EDT.
Mar 03, 2013 at 06:31PM EST
373 posts
59 users
You get one PS4, two PS2's, and a PSX… happy birthday!
I insert Slot A into Tab B, while pounding it with a hammer!
You get a Blue Screen of Death.
I insert a hl2.exe
You get a BSOD.
I insert windows 8
You get screwed over with a broomstick with Window's bullcrap.
I insert a Phoenix Down.
You get a cutscene.
I insert Phoenix Wright.
I insert "The God Only Knows" manga, dvd, and blue-ray (all of it).
You get the Fullmetal Alchemist manga, dvd, and blu-ray. (all of it.)
I insert a giant enemy crab.
You get me reacting with No! NO! aarrrrrrrgg!! massive damage to my weak points
I insert Abe
You get abe
I insert pudding
You get pie.
I insert my rage.
You get a thank-you note from Crona Ampora.
I insert a flux capacitor.
you get a new flux capacitor (whatever that is)
i insert Conan
You get governorship of Swaziland
I insert the USS Eudora
You get the USS Enterprise.
I insert a Daedric Waraxe.
You get a Daedric Dagger
I insert you
You get a pile of mangled human remains.
I insert a painting of a giant naked horse man.
You get a small photo book depicting imagery involving naked men and horses.
I insert Fergelein
You get the great dictator
I insert a pop tart
You get a toaster strudel.
I insert a holy frag grenade.
You get a Worm.
I insert an grammar error.
You get a friendly suggestion to improve your literary skills.
I insert a PINGAS
You get lotsa spaghetti
I insert manly tears
You get feels.
I insert a flip-book depicting the battle of shadow run.
You get the same flip-book, but signed by the author.
I insert SCP-682.
I insert some eridium
You get slag.
I insert my hopes and dreams.
You get crushing disappointment.
I insert some Molybdenum, whose atomic number happens to be 42.
You receive the great question of life the universe and everything
I insert Asia
You get a damn good bowl of ramen.
I insert a horse.
You get an amazing horse.
I insert Charlie
You get a unicorn, a bald kid, and a guy ranting about getting laid.
I insert pants and gloves.
You get Hat.
I insert slug.
Snail upgrade!
I insert a pop-tart.
You get Nyan Cat.
I insert MY KOKORO
YOU get Lots of Love (LOL)
I insert some facebook friends.
You get annoying facebook girl
I insert the inner thoughts of /b/
You get scarred for life by the horror.
I insert a stick of TnT
I insert Bugs Bunny!
You get the bunny from Con-Air
I insert North Korea.
Mrsoulcake The music lover
You get grorious reader
I insert filthy frank.
You get …
I insert a drill
You get
I insert the moon
Mrsoulcake The music lover
You get Ren and stimy
I insert ray narvaez jr
You recieve Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg.
I insert dancing banana
You get a chicken
I insert Four Hundred Thousand Dollars