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What do you hate, KYM?

Last posted Oct 21, 2013 at 06:05PM EDT. Added Oct 12, 2013 at 07:54AM EDT
74 posts from 55 users

I hate my DeLorean DMC-12. It hasn't been serviced since 1995-ish.

It only goes up to 92MPH
The doors will jam and you may get locked in
The Check engine light always comes on
If you stop too fast the check oil light comes on
If you stop too slow the check engine light comes on
The high beams will get really hot if left on
The door can get stuck open
The coolant pipe bursts above 115mph
The car can scratch easy
The windows are not safety glass
The window winds down INSIDE the window, not actually the window itself
The storage compartment will pop open if you go over a speed bump too fast

But other than that its a cool-as-hell car and it at least drives.

I hate Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton. It's a shitty book about a bunch of shitty people who whine about being in situations that they put themselves in in the first place. Worst of them is the main character who decides, after his mother dies, not to go back to college but instead to marry his cousin who he had just met. He then "falls in love" with his wife's cousin when the wife decides to be a hypochondriac.

The whole of the book is him bitching and moaning about things that he had chosen for himself and he never blames himself. It actually had me hoping that {spoiler alert}: he and the wife's cousin would actually kill themselves when they try to "be together in death" by slamming a sled into a tree. Unfortunately, it was already mentioned in the beginning that this was an event that they survived. I just HATE this book so goddamn much.

Let's see here. I hate most pop music, Roblox, seven-eighths of the Sonic fanbase, the Dallas Cowboys, every teen page on Facebook, being responsible for a three-and-out (which rarely ever happens, haha), my seventh grade French teacher, and the US government.

I'm like BSOD, I'm a man of love…

…is exactly what I'd say if I was a rat bastard liar.

I hate, in no particular order:

- Cantaloupe.
- Rainbow Dash and her stupid face.
- Dell computers.
- Playing as Zer0.
- Superman 64.
- Justin Bieber.
- The term "double dollars."
- "Toddlers and Tiaras."
- Sharks.
- Deep water.
- Sleep deprivation.
- Peas.
- Sports.
- Exercise.
- Being under the poverty line.
- Student loans.
- Math. Fuck math.
- Most banana-flavored items (but not actual bananas).
- Nickelback.
- The Fray.
- Getting kicked in the crotch.
- Old person smell.
- The Westboro Baptist Church (because I'm not a big fan of hate incarnate).
- Stupid politicians.
- Grad students that make me feel dumb (fuck you, Opspe and Moon Moon). Bubsy 3D.
- Pears (but not really).

The list goes on and on.

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Perhaps one of the blandest RPG I've ever encountered. Seriously. It rates only slightly above the original Dragon's Quest for me.

No cool story like an Earthbound, no cool gameplay like a Mario and Luigi RPG, no nothing going for it. "Can I get a Mega-Deluxe Burger, but only the patty? You know, no condiments, vegetables, cheese, or buns?"

And yet people play them and adore them more than anything in the universe. I could understand people liking it if it wasn't plastered everywhere, Jesus Christ. Your life doesn't have to revolve around a single game.

I don't understand the love for it – please, PLEASE, tell me why you think this game deserves to be held in high regards.

Wightprincess wrote:

I'm like BSOD, I'm a man of love…

…is exactly what I'd say if I was a rat bastard liar.

I hate, in no particular order:

- Cantaloupe.
- Rainbow Dash and her stupid face.
- Dell computers.
- Playing as Zer0.
- Superman 64.
- Justin Bieber.
- The term "double dollars."
- "Toddlers and Tiaras."
- Sharks.
- Deep water.
- Sleep deprivation.
- Peas.
- Sports.
- Exercise.
- Being under the poverty line.
- Student loans.
- Math. Fuck math.
- Most banana-flavored items (but not actual bananas).
- Nickelback.
- The Fray.
- Getting kicked in the crotch.
- Old person smell.
- The Westboro Baptist Church (because I'm not a big fan of hate incarnate).
- Stupid politicians.
- Grad students that make me feel dumb (fuck you, Opspe and Moon Moon). Bubsy 3D.
- Pears (but not really).

The list goes on and on.

Yeah, I got the same problem with Zer0. He was my fave until I finished TVHM.
Turns out he's crazy weak in UVHM, cant hold his own against fucking ANYTHING.
I ended up switchin to Krieg, so far I'm at Overpower+2 and he ain't showin' no signs of slowing down

People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and beliefs.
The Dutch
Call of Duty
Paul W.S. Anderson
The State of Music today
Justin fucking Bieber
The Bronies everyone hates (You know the ones I'm talking about)
Green Beans and Onions
Anyone with the name "Masterchief" on Xbox live
Anyone who is part of a Call of Duty Clan to the point where they all call themselves "Soopersn!per1" and "Soopersn!per2" on Xbox Live
Everyone on Xbox Live and PSN that don't use a Microphone during a teamwork based game (at least PC gamers sometimes use the keyboards)
Douchebag white guys with acoustic guitars that only know 'Hey there Delilah' just to pick up chicks.
Douchebag white guys who play music in general just to get laid.
Vinnie Vincent
The Dutch
The people are basically like "Stop liking what I hate! You know what, you're genetically inferior to me because you like what I hate" because those guys are fucking stupid.
Anyone with the most obnoxious fanbase known to man (So Pewdiepie, Tobuscus, Justin Bieber, Twilight etc. etc.)
Bruce Willis, the guy was my hero growing up but now he's just a plain dick.
Anyone who can't just turn off their brain to enjoy an action film every once in a while and immediately dismiss said movies because the Director decides he just wants to make an over the top action movie (except for the Transformers movies, I can sit down and enjoy most action movies released today but the Transformers movies are just plain unbearable.)
The Dutch, have I mentioned that I don't like the Dutch or what they believe in?
Attention whores.

That's what I hate.

I hate everyone that's in the cringeworthy gallery

and the entire youtube fanbase, not the videos, just the 10-12 kids that think it's cute to write "OMG LIKE THIS IF U SAW THE MINECRAFT"

UnKewln00b wrote:

People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and beliefs.
The Dutch
Call of Duty
Paul W.S. Anderson
The State of Music today
Justin fucking Bieber
The Bronies everyone hates (You know the ones I'm talking about)
Green Beans and Onions
Anyone with the name "Masterchief" on Xbox live
Anyone who is part of a Call of Duty Clan to the point where they all call themselves "Soopersn!per1" and "Soopersn!per2" on Xbox Live
Everyone on Xbox Live and PSN that don't use a Microphone during a teamwork based game (at least PC gamers sometimes use the keyboards)
Douchebag white guys with acoustic guitars that only know 'Hey there Delilah' just to pick up chicks.
Douchebag white guys who play music in general just to get laid.
Vinnie Vincent
The Dutch
The people are basically like "Stop liking what I hate! You know what, you're genetically inferior to me because you like what I hate" because those guys are fucking stupid.
Anyone with the most obnoxious fanbase known to man (So Pewdiepie, Tobuscus, Justin Bieber, Twilight etc. etc.)
Bruce Willis, the guy was my hero growing up but now he's just a plain dick.
Anyone who can't just turn off their brain to enjoy an action film every once in a while and immediately dismiss said movies because the Director decides he just wants to make an over the top action movie (except for the Transformers movies, I can sit down and enjoy most action movies released today but the Transformers movies are just plain unbearable.)
The Dutch, have I mentioned that I don't like the Dutch or what they believe in?
Attention whores.

That's what I hate.

>Hate the Dutch.

Things I hate:

>warm toilet seats (how do you think they got warm?)
>people singing to songs on the radio so I can't hear the actual song
>radio turned down so low I can barely hear it
>My Thinkpad's trackpad
>hot weather
>both political parties
>when my Thinkpad's audio freezes for no reason
>Firefox's memory leakage
>eating something and then suddenly get the crunch of an onion
>eating from the same pizza place for six months
>when I have to pop my hip
>getting popcorn kernels stuck in my teeth
>start making some food only to reaize I'm missing a key ingredient
>people downvoting my fanfics and not telling me why they disliked them so I can improve my writing skills
>the new Sim City game
>Steam Sales (because I hate spending money)
>buying a video game (GTA IV) and then having to jump through so many hoops to actually play it that I would have been better off pirating the damn thing
>Pokemon's repetitiveness
>getting thirsty only for my bottle of water to be empty

Last edited Oct 12, 2013 at 04:29PM EDT
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Rimshot wrote:

I hate KYM

Ok, i actually hate 65% of the kym users who downvote someone because he made a fucking opinion.

CLYDE (Joe's Nightmare) wrote:


Perhaps one of the blandest RPG I've ever encountered. Seriously. It rates only slightly above the original Dragon's Quest for me.

No cool story like an Earthbound, no cool gameplay like a Mario and Luigi RPG, no nothing going for it. "Can I get a Mega-Deluxe Burger, but only the patty? You know, no condiments, vegetables, cheese, or buns?"

And yet people play them and adore them more than anything in the universe. I could understand people liking it if it wasn't plastered everywhere, Jesus Christ. Your life doesn't have to revolve around a single game.

I don't understand the love for it – please, PLEASE, tell me why you think this game deserves to be held in high regards.

You aren't alone. I hate Pokemon too.

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MasterBurner "Capo" wrote:

I hate people hating things for no reason. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but don't like/dislike something without knowing anything about it or giving it a try.

Thank you

Dac wrote:

Blurred lines, Song always fucking plays on the radio and I hate the "Oh!" sound that seems completely out of place.

Oh, god. That song.

I know y*WHOO*ou want it
I k*WHOO*now you want it
I know you w*WHOO*ant it
You're a good girl

@Grey hoof

Does that include spambots?

Yes, they also receive my love. But in a different form than others. I send them passionate love letters through the end of the banhammer


Yeah, I got the same problem with Zer0. He was my fave until I finished TVHM.
Turns out he’s crazy weak in UVHM, cant hold his own against fucking ANYTHING.
I ended up switchin to Krieg, so far I’m at Overpower+2 and he ain’t showin’ no signs of slowing down

That's why you join the Siren master race (Maya-ster race?). Maya is effective at all skill levels. Got my siren up to OP6 so far


I like how Joe gets karmabombed by all the pokefans here, but when opspe says it (and we all know opspe hates pokemon more than anyone else) people back off and give him positive karma instead.

@Captain badass

Nicknames that fanbases give themselves like “brony” or “whovian.” They sound stupid.

I agree. Plus as soon as they get a label like that, everyone wants to attach stereotypes to them. I stopped calling myself a brony long ago. I'd rather just say "pony fan"

Things I hate:

  • pop music
  • Wal Mart
  • people who hate classical music when they never listened to it before
  • marshmallows
  • bell peppers
  • crayons
  • erasers that don't erase and leave smudges
  • essays
  • new Spongebob episodes
  • centipedes
  • having tight things being wrapped around me, especially around my wrists
  • when people interrupt music that I'm playing or listening to
  • bitter foods
Last edited Oct 12, 2013 at 10:40PM EDT

- Most pop music
- Getting interrupted when listening music
- Classed that get cancelled, but that aren't the last of a day
- When it's too hot outside
- When it's too warm when trying to sleep
- Mosquitoes
- Youtube comments
- Comments like these:
Pretty sad movie. I mean, I didn't cry or nothing, 'cause that's gay.
- Automatically installing toolbars
- Shit that ends up on my laptop when downloading a browser
- A virus scanner that doesn't detect that same shit, or those toolbars
- Windows 8

Last edited Oct 13, 2013 at 09:49AM EDT

- math
- facebook
- most of the dubstep that I've heard
- FPS elitism
- fandom drama

But what I hate the most is buying things at gamestop.

I didn't downvote him, but mabye it's because Opspspse only said he hated it while intergalactic said it was the blandest game and that pokefans lives revolved around it and what not.

Dirty Console Peasants. Okay, maybe not. I just recently got a better computer that can actually run the games I want to play but I usually stick to my PS3.

I've been perusing Reddit as of late. Can't stand atheists anymore apparently.

I hate my phone's slow-ass internet.

I hate how the TvTropes forum has come to a standstill.

Dr. Pepper. I have synthesia or some shit and it tastes red to me. I don't like things that taste red. Coke tastes blue. I like blue.

Parents who can't take responsibility for their children.

Family Guy.


Teddy Sadcat wrote:

Look at my profile pic. I kill newfags.

If you've been here less than a year, you're still a newfag.

p.s. Only newfags say newfag.

Last edited Oct 14, 2013 at 12:14AM EDT

CLYDE (Joe's Nightmare) wrote:


Perhaps one of the blandest RPG I've ever encountered. Seriously. It rates only slightly above the original Dragon's Quest for me.

No cool story like an Earthbound, no cool gameplay like a Mario and Luigi RPG, no nothing going for it. "Can I get a Mega-Deluxe Burger, but only the patty? You know, no condiments, vegetables, cheese, or buns?"

And yet people play them and adore them more than anything in the universe. I could understand people liking it if it wasn't plastered everywhere, Jesus Christ. Your life doesn't have to revolve around a single game.

I don't understand the love for it – please, PLEASE, tell me why you think this game deserves to be held in high regards.

It's like you're saying Pokemon is even worse than this game.

Patrick Star 3D Real wrote:

things i hate.
except amandab, digoxin, calkarot, my family, the gamecube and you guys
also music

Aww, thanks…

On a side note, I hate it when there's too much people in a line, or at a public place (parks, beaches, etc)

Teddy Sadcat wrote:

Look at my profile pic. I kill newfags.

>joined earlier this year and has 18 forum posts under his belt.
>doesn't think he's a Newfag

LeL, you're a Newfag bra.

Last edited Oct 14, 2013 at 12:55AM EDT

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