ok, you are thrown into the apocalypse. you have 20 points to buy items to help you survive. let me know what you choose.
1. clothing (choose 1)
a. shorts, tee shirt- 1 point
b. light jacket, ripped jeans 2 points
c. thick hoodie, nice jeans 3 points
d. A.C.U.s with a tactical vest 4 points
e. hazmat suit 5 points
2. primary weapon (choose 1)
a. .38 special with 60 rounds 1 point
b. 1911 w/ 100 rounds 2 points
c. bow with 20 arrows 3 points
d. crossbow with 30 bolts 4 points
e. shotgun with 100 rounds 5 points
3. secondary weapon (choose 1)
a. buck knife 1 point
b. old piece of rebar 2 points
c. baseball bat 3 points
d. fire axe 4 points
e. long machete 5 points
4. utility item (choose 2)
a.radio with 4 sets of D batteries (1 point)
b.flint and steel (1 point)
c.10 days of canned food (2 points)
d.flashlight with 4 sets of AA batteries (2 points)
e.100 waterproof matches (3 points)
f.solar blanket (3 points)
g.swiss army knife (4 points)
h.camp stove with 5 bottles of propane (the little bottles) (4 points)
i.a pair of walkie talkies with 4 sets of AAA batteries (5 points)
j.water purification kit (5 points)
5. vehicle (choose 1)
a.tandem bicycle (slow, unsafe, requires no gas) (1 point)
b.motorcycle (gas efficient, fast, low protection) (2 points)
c.SMART car (gas efficient, fast… ish, mild protection, very little carry room) (3 points)
d.van (one of those plain white "child molester" vans) (not very gas efficient, fast, moderate e.protection, lots of carry room) (4 points)
f.nice R.V. (gas inefficient but it has a large tank, fast, enough space to live, you never have to worry about shelter) (5 points)
6. partner
a."that dick"- the one that is in every horror movie (1 point)
b.a random hot chick- at least you'll get some (2 points)
c.your best friend- ride out the apocolypse with someone you know (3 points)
d.expert marksman- you don't have to worry… for the most part (4 points)
e.survival expert- the ultimate aid against the undead (5 points)