1. Most hatedoms are retarded Nobody cares if you hate [Insert fandom here] unless it's actually, honest to goodness bad. If it isn't bad and you're still vocal about not liking it, then you're just an asshole.
1a. Yes, this includes the 9gag hatedom. Not because 9gag doesn't deserve hate, but i'm sick of hearing it.
2. Trolling is an art. If you are a bad troll, you mock those who are actually good at it, which is worse than the failed act of trolling itself.
3. There will never be a better pokemon generation than gen III. However, that doesn't mean that everything after ruby isn't good.
4. I will use the word faggot to describe whoever I want, and if you're offended by that, then that makes you a fucking faggot.
5. Grammar is not that hard of a concept to grasp. Just TRY is all I ask.
5a. Most browsers have some kind of spell checker. Use. It.
I've also compiled a list of people whom I find extremely moronic.
- The Anti-Brony Brotherhood
- /r/Atheism
- People who think that /r/Atheism is typical behavior for 100% of atheists
- People who dislike JRPGs
- Anarchists, communists, most libertarians, and people who think that anything that isn't a democracy is oppressive.
- Aristotle
- The Toshiba Corporation
- You.