Ah, Deviantart. A website where an aspiring artist can post their masterpiece on to the great stream that is the Interwebs. However, with every professional that shows off eye candy, there is an artist that shows creates something ridiculous, so bad it's good, or just plain bad.
In this thread, we will create a wonderful story using bad art from Deviantart. You are to use them for visual aid for your part of the story. You can type at least 5 sentences for your part of the story. With each part we will build an epic tale from this mere thread. Let's see how far we'll go. I'll begin the story:
<img src="http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/244/6/d/my_bbbff_by_haosprincessfabia-d6km7cf.jpg"
Once upon a time, there was an OC named Starlight Wonkles. Now Starlight Wonkles was a very depressed pony, and had an unfortunate tendency to sing Linkin Park out of nowhere, even in normal conversations. She lives a life of such misery, because she is forever aware that she is nothing more than an unoriginal Original Character with the voice of Danny Devito. But her whiny existence is about to change when all of a sudden……
(If you need help, google "Bad Deviantart Art")