So I have a cancerous arrow story, the true story of my EA adventures.
>Use to be able to play sims 3 on a older macintosh computer
>Macintosh gaming hue hue hue
>Some time passes and computers change.
>As Macs become newer, older games cannot be played because of compatibility problems
>Have Mother's old-new shit computer
>Get Steam and Mac Game Store
>"Oh look, Sims 3 is being sold on the Mac Game store."
>"And it is compatible! Yes."
>Go to play Sims 3
>"Okay, I'll uninstall and reinstall it."
>Takes 3 long grueling hours
>"Yes, now I can play--"
>Deep sigh and contact EA customer support.
>Oh boi.
>First guy is nice and all and tells me to do a 'Manuel uninstall' and do so.
>Another 3 hours and the game no longer errors.
>"Yes! Now to wait for this Black screen to turn into a the logo and for the game to load and then I can play my Sims 3."
>45 minutes pass, the game had no loaded. Fucking games.
>Tell guy, he is confused too and I have to DL it through Origin for another attempt.
>Another 3 hours, takes all night. I've spent a entire day Downloading Sims 3.
>Same Black Screen crash.
>During that time, he disconnected and reconnected to someone else.
>Pissed off and tell them good night and go to sleep.
>I awake next morning for EA Customer Support 3: Electric Bangaloo
>New guy, tell him my problem, and he tells me to go to system preferences and turn off some stuff.
>"Once you restart your computer, then uninstall and reinstall the game and see if it works."
>Trust Ea
>I have been bamboozled
>Nothing happens, contact again. Decide to do some research.
>Sims 3 works through something called Cider which doesn't no longer work well with Macs, and EA is far to busy to bother fixing their game for Mac users. I assume it's my hybrid CD rom which is problematic.
>"Well, since there are positive reviews this will surely mean that the downloadable version of this game will work for my Macintosh, surely."
>Contact EA, nice guy gives me discount.
>Buy Sims 3
>I am not a clever man.
>"I have downloaded this game over 6 times. Surely this will work, for EA---"
>Same crash.
>I am a broken man.
>Go to EA demanding they give me my money back
>"Sims 3 works on macs C:"
>"Then why is it not working on my computer."
>EA doesn't want to fix their problematic shit so they give me my 18 dollars back.
>I have done the impossible.
>I got a refund from EA Games.
>I have beaten all vidya games.