Well…I broke my leg over week ago so ive be chilling in bed bumming it up.. Not much to do as of late, so ive been uploading a lot of pics to galleries…like..A LOT of pics. Plus ive been making and posting gifs and helping people with stuff…..And i noticed something..
Want good karma cuz its your only reason to live?
1…See treading gallery and upload stupid amounts of pics to said gallery
2…Boobs help
3…Dat Ass helps
4…Having NSFW images guarantee a click and views…in hopes of seeing #2 or #3
5…Be the 1st one to post on a new Pic/Vid/Story the site puts up (if you're smart n clever about it)
6…Add new and or original work
7…Be nice and helpful
Want bad karma cuz it gets your jollys off?
1…Be a dick
Class Dismissed