This brings me me back to that one faithful day some months ago when I first learned that my current History teacher was a /b/tard.
One day, just like any other, I woke up, went to school, and got into my first class of the day, History. I was the first one to arrive and I was awfully bored at the time so, just for the lulz, I went up to the board and drew Pedobear. Happy with my finished product and still alone, I decided to just get out of that room and hang out with my friends until classes start. Time passes by, speakers sound off to inform us that it's time for classes. Once I got back into the room, I saw that a couple of people were in there now along with my History teacher. Then, it suddenly came to my attention that there was something written next to my Pedobear drawing in my teacher's handwriting.
You wanna know what it said?
It said "LOL 4CHAN!". I was like "OH SHI~ WTF?!!?1" and after classes I figured out that my teacher and at least one other teacher were /b/tards.
I love my school for that.