I plan on going eventually.
I don't know if I want to go to college right after this year or not…
Is it normal to have panic attacks about college?
320,842 total conversations in 9,947 threads
Last posted
Feb 16, 2011 at 05:35PM EST.
Sep 22, 2010 at 03:02PM EDT
1374 posts
105 users
I plan on going eventually.
I don't know if I want to go to college right after this year or not…
Is it normal to have panic attacks about college?
Yes, I was just looking for college scholarships.
Where do you want to go to college?
Academy of Art University San Fransisco (Yeah, right)
What is your native language?
El halba espanol Usted?
not alot
Nicholson or Ledger?
Ledger (In the case you are talking about the two Jokers)
Elvis or Michael?
Michael elvis.
Man or woman?
Front or Back?
Boobs or manboobs?
Smoothies or Ice cream?
Ice cream.
What's the most awesome adjective you can attach to your favourite animal?
Ganondorf or me, Vaati? >:
Miles Edgeworth
Is higher than a C+, but not yet a B.
Do you like AMVs? If so, Do you have any favourites?
Yes, but no lol
Yaoi or Yuri
Yuri if I had to chose.
Are you tired of memes in ur base?
Boxxy is…?
Deafsy is..
What is love?
I have been seeking that answer for the past 3 weeks now so sorry I really don't know :(
Solid or Liquid?
My heart? It's not solid stone if you ask. I can be a kind person at times!
Can you?
I am a cold deceptive person in truth, but I act like a friendly KYM user and that makes people happier no?
Hot or Cold?
Dominant or Submissive?
Deceptively submissive, but Dominant in nature.
Pleasure or pain?
What's better? Trap or real girl?
Or reverse trap/real boy?
Real girl.
Cake or pie? (If you get the reference, I will automatically +1 up your comment.)
Pleasure or pain?
Pleasure or Pain?
Love or hate?
Life or death…
Lamp Oil, Rope, or Bombs?
Lamp oil and rope, so I can make bombs (its a cheaper deal if u spend time collecting clay pots and gunpowder)
Would you join me if I made your face the greatest in Koridai?
soak rope in lamp oil and attach rope to bomb fuse. Damn, no matches.
Fav movie of 2010
Devil I guess
Would you join me if I made your face the greatest in Koridai?
@DarkRose: uh, sure.
@zann: Probably will be Tron.
Favorite pokeman?
Fave final boss?
Fav game?
Metal Gear Solid
Super SMASH brothers… BRAWL!
Favorite of the Final Fantasy main series?
Tied between FF7 and 12
What about yours?
Megaman x8
Fav Intnernet theme day?
VI. hands down.
what are you thinking aboot right now?
Favorite holiday
Caturday. (To both questions)
What's the hardest game you've played?
Whats the gayest game you've ever played?
As in shittiest, not homosexual.
(Sorry if I may have offended you)
Action 52/Cheetahmen.
What's the most annoying game you've ever played?
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