Banned for banning using a meme
Forums / Fun! / Just For Fun
320,842 total conversations in 9,947 threads
Ban The Person Above You
Last posted
Aug 30, 2011 at 02:01PM EDT.
May 05, 2011 at 07:32PM EDT
2922 posts
169 users
Banned because BAWLZ!
Banning for not banning Aristocatification for page get!
Banned for having music notes in your username
I don't normally post in this thread. But when I do, it's to ban someone.
You gon get banned.
Banned for saying banned.
Banned for being a brand new member
Crimson Avenger wrote:
Banned for having music notes in your username
Thanks for using the most overplayed ban against me, come back when your original
Because of his inability to be original, YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED.
Banned. Your argument was completely invalid.
banned because i agree with you
Banned because his argument was valid.
Silver Chariot
Banned because we are actually peaceful!
Banned because THIS IS WARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!11111
Banned for having a meme in name and excesive 1's.
Banned for piontless hacking of other websites.
Banned for no reason
Banned because you have to come up with a reason whatsoever.
Banned for having a reason.
Banned for being anonymous
Banned for having a reason.
Banned for using the same reason again
You are not banned (reverse psychology)
You are banned for not banning the above user in a thread about banning the above user by supplying some sort of phrase similar to "Banned because X"
Banned because of explaining the banning instructions used on this thread.
Banned for being green.
Silver Chariot
Banned for judging people by thier color… you, blue… thing.
Banned for being a epic character.
Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender
Banned for toothpaste.
Silver Chariot
Banned for TOAST.
Banned for not being….
wait for it…
Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender
Banned for loving winter.
Banned for loving the heat.
Banned for making comments about temperature.
Silver Chariot
Banned for not being able to answer my riddle:
"If a chicken says, "All Chickens are liars" is the chicken telling the truth?"
Banned by the antijoke chicken.
Banned for not answering this riddle:
"What is the difference between a duck"
Banned for telling us another riddle
Banned for having a cute avatar.
Banned for not realizing that it´s a trap
Banned for crossdressing.
Banned for banning me…I´m just an innocent, cute girl…with a d*ck…
Banned for more than one ellipsis in a post.
Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender
Banned for almost going a full page without me!
Banned for that lack of love luster soul in your hard drive.
Banned for not head banging to "What is love" properly.
banned because….(pedo face) TOO OLD.
Banned for having a number in your avatar.
Banned for having Santa's favorite drink in your Avatar.