"The Danish Invasion
posted by Marshall Of The Empire:(TTC)NTW @ 04:35PM on May 22, 2011
Lads,from monday,I'm offline,For a few weeks.My home computer has no internet access yet.I'll wait for it to come.
The Plan for denmark has been devised.Its Opeartion Denmark.
Lammens,you were head commander,but now King Eomr is.Thats makes you both Grand Commanders of the Danishe Army.
General Anbuis,as a heir to the empire,Lammens and King are you superors,sames goes for the geenrals in the Kalmar Uninon.
Remeber when we win this war,The King of Denmark-norway will be taking complete control.Of course we need to talk about Land issues,that will be discussed when I return
Moonwolf is the emperor and that is final.
Lammens and King Emoer I do not want you to fight.The Plan must suceed!
Viva La France!"
What'll we do without Denmark guys?