"I’m in need of a ukulele. If anyone can help me get one, that would be great… Help will be rewarded. If any of you have an old ukulele (or know someone who does) that you(they) wish to get rid of, you can contact me at runkaterunfaster@gmail.com
Please, I really need this for something spectacular I’m planning for all the good people out there."
-- from my tumblr
Anyway guys, I really truly need your help. I have plans over the Summer and one of them is learning to play the ukulele. One of my friends who does play is willing to teach me. The only thing left is to get one. I'm moving soon (read: Thursday) so my time (read: lurking) on KYM will be more limited than it already is. I am also pretty poor and can not even afford a $40 ukulele right now.
If any of you can help in this, I will reward you, either through song or drawing. If you have information for me, email me at runkaterunfaster@gmail.com or mythicalcheese@hotmail.com
Anyway, once I learn ukulele, I have many plans. Some of these are:
-original song about KYM (almost complete writing lyrics)
-cover of Chameleon Circuit's "Doctor What"
-cover of POKeMON theme song
-other original songs
-internet bullshit that benefits everybody
If you can help, even in the slightest, I will love you forever and reward you somehow. Thanks for reading this, and I'll see you after I move.
(Also, since the walls in my new room are boring, anybody want to draw a picture or write something for me to hang on my wall? That, too, is appriciated!)