1. Make sure Anti-virus is on, even firewall.
2. Use google chrome.
3. Go to Rick Roll'd or any website that you can't able to exit with stupid message signs.
4. Press close "x" button.
5. Message from google chrome to stop spam messages and put check to stop and exit.
6. ????
7. PROFIT!!!
Problem Rick Astley?
Forums / Fun! / Just For Fun
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Tips how to beat Rick Roll'd website and exit it.
Last posted
May 25, 2011 at 09:45AM EDT.
May 25, 2011 at 12:37AM EDT
7 posts
4 users
Also, you can use task manager if you use different browser, except google chrome.
I'm not sure whether to be dissapointed or pleased that this wasn't a rick roll.
No need to worry though, I'm sure RussianFedora will sort this all out soon enough.
I saw my friend put a trap on k-on page, that tinurly or something, if i press that, I rick Roll'd but i close it in simple way thanks to google chrome-tan XD
Get's slapped by Dane
Sweatie Killer
Sweatie Killer wrote:
I like this method better, its just more simple in my opinion.
Maybe It's a trap.