Not if I can effectively organize a counter-revolution.
Hey, I know the pony lovers outnumber the pony haters, but I think the overkill is making the latter group grow daily; I know I was simply apathetic to the situation until sometime in the last few days when it just boiled over for me. Now it seems like it's ponies everywhere, and anyone who expresses unhappiness with this gets neg krama'd to oblivion. Interestingly enough, while the typical "These ponies are starting to piss me off" post gets neg krama'd into oblivion, my initial post in this thread currently stands at a net krama of zero. I could be wrong, of course, but I'd like to think that my initial post has received many votes that have simply cancelled each other out, meaning I'm not the only one by far who is getting fed up.
On the other hand, nobody has posted in support of my position, despite the fact that I know I'm not alone. My assumption there is that unlike me, most users care if their posts get downvoted, and hate to see a post of theirs show up as "This post has been hidden…" etc. Let me say this: I'm not actually asking for public support; as they say, "The revolution will not be televised." I'm more than happy to have this be an underground movement. No (unofficial) members of K.I.L.L.P.O.N.I.E.S. need receive a single point of negative krama for their participation, but I can make no promises concerning any pony supporters that do not abandon this madness.