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I would like to form an alliance...

Last posted Jun 07, 2011 at 03:29PM EDT. Added Jun 07, 2011 at 12:58AM EDT
25 posts from 15 users

…and I'm using an ellipsis in my thread title. Anyway.

I was wondering if there are any users out there who might be interested in joining a group of like-minded users that--unless someone comes up with a better name--I would like to call "KYM Internet Lovers' League Protesting Online Neighborhood Infestation of Equestrian Spamming."

Uh, you do realized that it's probably bad form to use an acronym in an acronym? I mean, eventually it'd just get out of hand. Then it'd be all Xzibit and go all "Yo dawg, I heard you like acronyms…" Also, no, but good luck I guess? I mean, while I don't approve of the message, at least you might make some internet friends in the process and you'll learn to stop worrying and love the fact that you don't have to care about ponies.

I think the only reason this meme has gone to the extent that it has is because there hasn't really been anything interesting to replace it. Think back to before people even knew about this show. It's not like there was anything really interesting going on on this site. I remember coming here just to move on to Facebook after a couple of minutes. When I first saw the Ponies article, curiosity got the best of me and I was hooked on the show. It's popular because no one expected that the show could be good. The idea that this show could be good is just as absurd as if I told you that Barney the Dinosaur was an entertaining show. That's why it spread so quickly. Now, we're at the point where it's excessive and annoying, but not much can be done about it until we have something better comes along. We are like those two kids from The Cat in the Hat, just staring out the window waiting for the next lulz.

Sorry, I wish there was a good solution. I like the show, but I know how annoying things can be if you really could care less about it and everyone else wants to cram it down your throat.

Last edited Jun 07, 2011 at 02:07AM EDT

Stop it with the hate. We all understand that you're tired of all these ponies, but if it's what the members want, then you'll merely have to ignore it.

Flimsy wrote:

Stop it with the hate. We all understand that you're tired of all these ponies, but if it's what the members want, then you'll merely have to ignore it.

Not if I can effectively organize a counter-revolution.

Hey, I know the pony lovers outnumber the pony haters, but I think the overkill is making the latter group grow daily; I know I was simply apathetic to the situation until sometime in the last few days when it just boiled over for me. Now it seems like it's ponies everywhere, and anyone who expresses unhappiness with this gets neg krama'd to oblivion. Interestingly enough, while the typical "These ponies are starting to piss me off" post gets neg krama'd into oblivion, my initial post in this thread currently stands at a net krama of zero. I could be wrong, of course, but I'd like to think that my initial post has received many votes that have simply cancelled each other out, meaning I'm not the only one by far who is getting fed up.

On the other hand, nobody has posted in support of my position, despite the fact that I know I'm not alone. My assumption there is that unlike me, most users care if their posts get downvoted, and hate to see a post of theirs show up as "This post has been hidden…" etc. Let me say this: I'm not actually asking for public support; as they say, "The revolution will not be televised." I'm more than happy to have this be an underground movement. No (unofficial) members of K.I.L.L.P.O.N.I.E.S. need receive a single point of negative krama for their participation, but I can make no promises concerning any pony supporters that do not abandon this madness.


Flimsy wrote:

Stop it with the hate. We all understand that you're tired of all these ponies, but if it's what the members want, then you'll merely have to ignore it.

How can you ignore bronies when almost every other post is a reply saturated with pony love and pony-themed avatars? How can you ignore bronies when "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" has been the number one trending article seemingly for weeks? How can you ignore bronies when you've watched the show and still can't understand why a bunch of older men would enjoy something marketed towards little girls?

Jeez, just take it down a notch. It's over-hyped, over-rated, and they're over-aged.

Last edited Jun 07, 2011 at 09:53AM EDT

I am a Brony, and I want to say one thing:
DON'T try to begin a war. It's one of these ideas that end up with the whole planet contaminated with radioactive marshmallows. Most of the bronies are trying to help with the whole TP situation (well, at least some of them…), and I'm doing my best to make the other Bronies stick to the rules. Yes, I know that some people are trying to get pony-related pics to the TPs, but hey- mods started to filter out all of the pony pics and didn't explained why until a day-or-so ago. Yes, I know, that pony related pictures were the only ones in the TPs recently, but this means, that they were popular. Yes, I know, that some people managed to get ponies to the TPs anyway, but what did you expect- MLP got filtered out for being too popular, and in every group there are some people who will start to cheat the system if it starts to make such decisions.
War is a bad idea. It will only exhaust both sides and cause chaos. And, by the way, the only way to stop some of these people is a permanent ban. And THAT would be the biggest bulls**t I've ever seen in my entire life.
Let's just stick to the rules. I'l do my best to make other bronies behave, but I don't know how long can I do that. I just hope that TPs will get fixed (I know, that they're not broken but… you know what I mean.) soon. That would help a lot.

Takuanuva wrote:

I am a Brony, and I want to say one thing:
DON'T try to begin a war. It's one of these ideas that end up with the whole planet contaminated with radioactive marshmallows. Most of the bronies are trying to help with the whole TP situation (well, at least some of them…), and I'm doing my best to make the other Bronies stick to the rules. Yes, I know that some people are trying to get pony-related pics to the TPs, but hey- mods started to filter out all of the pony pics and didn't explained why until a day-or-so ago. Yes, I know, that pony related pictures were the only ones in the TPs recently, but this means, that they were popular. Yes, I know, that some people managed to get ponies to the TPs anyway, but what did you expect- MLP got filtered out for being too popular, and in every group there are some people who will start to cheat the system if it starts to make such decisions.
War is a bad idea. It will only exhaust both sides and cause chaos. And, by the way, the only way to stop some of these people is a permanent ban. And THAT would be the biggest bulls**t I've ever seen in my entire life.
Let's just stick to the rules. I'l do my best to make other bronies behave, but I don't know how long can I do that. I just hope that TPs will get fixed (I know, that they're not broken but… you know what I mean.) soon. That would help a lot.


Please, stop. I can try to make Bronies behave, but with such people as you, it's like trying to extinguish a burning plane with a teaspoon of water. While it rains gasoline.
Wait until the whole TPs situation gets resolved. Seriously.

>mfw i read this thread

Also implying you should revolt against a fandom that tries to promote kindness and tolerance with war and hate. No one wants to start a war thats going to end up helping no one, and its safe to assume mods don't want that either. So i guess bronies gonna keep on doing whatever bronies happen to be doing while haters are going to keep on hating (its what makes the world go round). Thanks for the laugh though. :3

Seriously guys, quit your bitching. There's always gonna be a meme that someone is gonna hate. You shouldn't be making threads out of hate. This thread's true name is "My Little Shitstorm".
Why can't you just deal with it?

1011061 wrote:

How can you ignore bronies when almost every other post is a reply saturated with pony love and pony-themed avatars? How can you ignore bronies when "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" has been the number one trending article seemingly for weeks? How can you ignore bronies when you've watched the show and still can't understand why a bunch of older men would enjoy something marketed towards little girls?

Jeez, just take it down a notch. It's over-hyped, over-rated, and they're over-aged.

Oops! The fact that you end your post by insulting the fandom rather than just expressing your personal dislike automatically makes your post invalid! Sorry, but it's truuueeee.

Adam DeLand wrote:

I think that anybody that's been brainwashed by this series should be put on temporary ban and be forced to have a counter-brainwash. Like this:

Inb4 the lock.

Ban us for liking something? Yeah… in my sincerest opinion, you're a moron.
Everyone: Stop. This conversation only makes us more hostile towards each other.
Bronies: Abandon the thread. Risking a war (and bans that would happen after it) isn't worth it.
Haters: You're not helping at all. Would you kindly stop whining? Thank you very much.

Last edited Jun 07, 2011 at 02:55PM EDT

Takuanuva wrote:

Ban us for liking something? Yeah… in my sincerest opinion, you're a moron.
Everyone: Stop. This conversation only makes us more hostile towards each other.
Bronies: Abandon the thread. Risking a war (and bans that would happen after it) isn't worth it.
Haters: You're not helping at all. Would you kindly stop whining? Thank you very much.

You said it!


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