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Gorilla photobomb

Last posted 11 years ago. Added 11 years ago
5 posts from 5 users

I noticed a viral trend that seems to go on, it appeared on Yahoo. More information should be put here if possible.

Digging through Google, I'm assuming you mean the following picture as it's the most recent I could find:

(Agreeing with Ann as well btw. It's nice you want us to check out something you believe is potential, but examples would be appreciated as it saves viewers the chore of looking it up themselves.)

Last edited 11 years ago

That gorilla must know what its like being part of the 99%… i think that there is some potential for this

Last edited 11 years ago

I searched and concluded its more of a in the media than anything. It could be a meme but thats not what this sites for. It does have potential. Also, it looks extremely photoshopped.


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