Maybe, maybe not. But making references to this thread on every part of the forum won't do it any good. Remember when people got really annoyed by Ric and Gamzee mentioning their "relationship" everywhere? Or Sting's annoying grotan? Same idea basically.
Just lower it down a few notches. You're not a shipping king with some uber relationships with certain other users. And mentioning them constantly sure as hell won't result in getting popular on the entire forum. Mentioning it every now and then can be funny, but constantly doing so makes it an arrow to the knee joke. The only places I point out my and Amanda's "OTP" status are when the topic is related or when someone else mentions it, but besides that I try to avoid it as much as possible. As soon as you try to use (and often overuse) inside jokes like that as a popularity magnet, you'll only get the opposite effect.
Just a tip.