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What exactly is an "ironic weeb"?

Last posted Nov 13, 2017 at 02:32PM EST. Added Nov 11, 2017 at 07:18PM EST
10 posts from 5 users

Mostly it's a person who fits the definition of Otaku, but with a big helping of openly loathing of the Otaku community/culture (ie acting like anime is trash while constantly viewing it, or basing people who enjoy anime when they themselves actually do as well). Many people on KYM are sorta this, but they are also openly Okatu and they just pretend to hate anime for fun and most people know they are joking.

This is separate from people who fit the definition of Otakus but have legitimate issues with some parts of the community.

Last edited Nov 11, 2017 at 07:56PM EST

Someone who calls themselves an 'ironic weeb' could be a 'non-weeb' pretending to be one purely to make fun of the culture, but most likely anyone who says that they like something ironically or that they identify as a member of a culture or fanbase ironically actually enjoys/partakes in whatever it may be unironically.

Usually, people use the word (or a variant of) irony when discussing interests and groups because they don't want to openly admit that they actually like or are a part of that thing. This is particularly often if the interest or group isn't exactly liked or respected by a larger group of people.

Some people also claim to "ironically enjoy something" that has a noticeably large group so that they can fit in with the crowd, and because of the ironic label they feel that they can't be made fun of or criticized with the rest of the group because "they only enjoy it as a joke".

Since the beginning of the age of "dank" or "ironic memes", irony has gradually lost some of it's actual meaning. The word irony has now devolved into nothing more than a defensive shield just as satire and prank have in the past.

edit: scratch everything I just said, Jacob said all you need to know

Last edited Nov 11, 2017 at 08:04PM EST

Jill wrote:

Mostly it's a person who fits the definition of Otaku, but with a big helping of openly loathing of the Otaku community/culture (ie acting like anime is trash while constantly viewing it, or basing people who enjoy anime when they themselves actually do as well). Many people on KYM are sorta this, but they are also openly Okatu and they just pretend to hate anime for fun and most people know they are joking.

This is separate from people who fit the definition of Otakus but have legitimate issues with some parts of the community.

So it's basically just an anime fan who pretends to hate anime, both as a joke and in protest of the anime fanbase?

Makes sense, actually.

Sman Joe wrote:

buys Shinobu dakimakura
downloads every mediocre harem romcom in the season
crops hentai for their profile
detects jojo reference

That's me in a nutshell, i hate myself for liking that stuff.

durgendolf wrote:

That's me in a nutshell, i hate myself for liking that stuff.

Why though? Afraid your friends will call you faggot?

durgendolf wrote:

No, it's just that i find the 50% of the anime fanbase intolerable and i don't want to be associated with them.

Well that's just because 3/4 of the anime fanbase are young teens and/or literal children. It's bound to be full of stupid people, because we're all stupid when we're young.
Hell I'm moving to adulthood in a couple of years and I still find myself doing a lot of stupid shit I come to regret not even minutes later.

What I have to say is, enjoy whatever you like on your own, you don't have to get involved with the community.

Last edited Nov 13, 2017 at 02:33PM EST

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