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You ever get so addicted to a game you legitimately neglected sleep because of it?

Last posted about a year ago. Added about a year ago
17 posts from 17 users

This was me recently when playing Voices of the Void. The game isn't even finished, it's only in beta at version 0.6, but damn I got so hooked on it this past Saturday I legit didn't didn't go to bed that night, I just took a 2 hour nap the following Sunday and then got back to it. I did get a full night's rest Sunday though so don't worry I didn't ruin my brain THAT hard. Before this I was up nearly all night one Saturday a couple months back playing Cuphead's DLC after re-playing the main game first, the adrenaline was helping keep me up.

I binged the last half-ish of Blaster Master Zero 3 in one night the other day. Started playing at around 10 PM, beat the game at around 3 AM. Not quite an all-nighter but definitely later than I usually stay up.

Edit: Dunno if that's what you'd call addicted, but there you go. I'm currently on a second playthrough to 100% it.

Thinking about it, there was this one time when I played Dead Space 3 and didn't realise that it was already 12 AM and that the whole house had gone to bed. This was during a time when playing video games for lengthy periods were entirely unknown to me, so even though it was "only" a three-hour session it came as a shock, especially considering I had school. Again, not sure if that's what you'd call addicted.

Last edited about a year ago

4X games.

They trick my brain into a dopamine drip-feed with the "numbers go up" of seeing my empire gradually grow with visual loading bars taunting me. I am wide awake playing them but the second I take my eyes off of the screen I feel the weight of years fall upon me as I realize it's 4am.

Fuck you Firaxis and Paradox.

I'm embarrassed to say more than once, yes. To give another jab at Firaxis, there were many nights spent that went well into the early morning by playing Xcom 1 & 2. There's Total War, but of the ones that got me hooked the most would be Medieval 2 and Shogun 2. More recently was Kenshi by LoFi games which I rapidly grew to have several hundreds of hours on in just a few months.

There's just something about base-building/management games that make time fly, they're incredibly addictive.

It only happened once. Back in the N64 days, I dared to play the entirety of Rampage 2: Universal Tour. Needles to say, by the time the credits were rolling, it was very late at night and I had a headache.

Last edited about a year ago

I used to stay up late at night in my GameBoy phase, especially with Pokémon Crystal/Ruby/Emerald. I also had a late-night gaming session lately while finishing the last chapter of Danganrompa, naively believing that the denouement would last about half a hour.

As embarrassing as to say this- but it was a moment in Destiny 2 that I tried to solo The Shattered Throne dungeon when it first came out in Forsaken. It is now an easy mission to breeze through, but it was a chore back then. The mid-boss was completely trial and error, but that final fight was a bitch and a half. Thankfully, one of my droogs was awake around that time and help eased the finale's pain.

By the time we were done it was 4:00 AM. Even worse was that the lootdrop was not worth it in end.

Quite a few, actually:

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness
Mega Man X5 (During a stay at a friend's house)
Fallout: New Vegas (When it wasn't crashing as it had just came out on Steam)
Tropico 4
Animal Crossing New Horizons (Right after unlocking terraforming)

wisehowl_the_2nd wrote:

4X games.

They trick my brain into a dopamine drip-feed with the "numbers go up" of seeing my empire gradually grow with visual loading bars taunting me. I am wide awake playing them but the second I take my eyes off of the screen I feel the weight of years fall upon me as I realize it's 4am.

Fuck you Firaxis and Paradox.

Is also that they never feel like they have a good break point. You are always working towards something, always waiting for enough resources to build this and that, always waiting for a unit to be produced so you can finish your army…

Funny, Super Smash Bros. Brawl didn't necessarily keep me playing past my bedtime, but rather helped me pass time when I just couldn't sleep. Those snake codec calls always helped my mind out.

I've gone 18 hour stretches in modded Minecraft and 15 hours in Overwatch. Back when I was working 12 hour shifts I'd stay up way later than was safe just to play Overwatch, neglecting sleep and other activities. It's easy to lose track of time and forget your basic human needs when you're engrossed in a video game. Until you press escape and you realize you've forgotten to eat and sleep and you have to be up in 6 hours.

Happens frequently with Minecraft, if I know that I can afford to sleep in late the following day then I can easily stay up until sunrise.
However, the most egregious example was probably the first time I ever tried Cities: Skylines, which resulted in me staying up until like 7am – it wasn't the latest I ever stayed up playing a game, but it was probably the most I ever felt like having completely and utterly lost track of time.

have quite a few memories of staying up late for Star Wars Galaxies. It was the first mmo I ever played and to boot I was obsessed with Star Wars at the time. The idea of playing in a persistent world with a massive amount of other players really blew my mind. Felt really immersive to me. I suppose I have a lot of other games as well. Mainly because computer time was something of a commodity in my house.

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