Alan Rickman is now diamonds.
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This meme first popped up on the popular chat site Omegle in August of 2011. It's first known appearance was as a question underneath the beta "Spy Mode" section of Omegle. Users first reported coming across a question saying, "Fill in the Blanks! A (3 blanks) R (6 blanks) is now diamonds. (Hint: The actor who played the character "Severus Snape" in the HP Movie Series and "Hans Gruber" in Die Hard). This, of course, led most users to being able to identify the answer as "Alan Rickman is now diamonds". It has also found a home on Tumblr, as well as a few mentions on the notorious /b/ on the 4chan network. Later incarnations of this meme include taking popular American songs and fixing in the line "Alan Rickman is now diamonds" towards the end of the chorus. It was estimated that on the night of August 13th, 2011 over 8,000 questions out of 25,000+ featured something mentioning Alan Rickman being diamonds.
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