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America Bashing refers to all the hostility towards American Internet users and the United States in general that manifests itself on social websites in the form of catchphrases, image macros and other memetic content. It is a staple of international chats and imageboards, such as 4chan's and Krautchan's /int/, where US users frequently interact with posters from other countries, thus creating tensions. While it is mostly Europeans who make use of such memes, (see The Main Difference Between Europe and USA ) this phenomenon is not limited to any country or region. In fact, some users, referred to as "self-hating Americans" resort to America bashing despite being Americans themselves.

Common themes
(note that America Bashing could be considered a type of trolling, so content is not necessarily based on reality or accuracy)

American foreign policy, portrayed as intrusive
Criticism of American military
Criticism of American government
Criticism of American attitudes to foreigners, portrayed as jingoistic
American obesity
Referring to Americans as amerifats, murrifats or murfats
American overconsumption
*American religious attitudes, portrayed as excessively fundamentalistic
*Perceived American rudeness and arrogance
*American culture, portrayed as invasive and of poor quality
*Redneck stereotypes
*Gun control issues
Referring to Americans as Murricans or murkans in an effort to imitate Bible Belt accents
An offshoot of this is the stereotype of Americans as stupid and uneducated
*"Only in America": pictures or copypasta based on the stereotype that some strange or reprehensible behaviors and events are only possible in the US.
*Perceived contradictions in American society. For example the catchphrase "America, Land of the Free" is often posted next to a picture showing that the number of prisoners per capita in the US is the highest in the world.
The most common form of such memes is to pair the catchphrase America Fuck Yeah! with a picture showing America in an overly negative light
*Various conspiracy theories implying that the US is controlled by Jewish lobbies, corporations or secret societies
*Making fun of 9/11 and other traumatic events to elicit anger and negative reactions
*Graphs and statistical pictures illustrating all the above

America Bashing is a widespread meme that predates the Internet and as such its origin is difficult, if not impossible to determine.

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America Bashing

America Bashing

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This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability.

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America Bashing refers to all the hostility towards American Internet users and the United States in general that manifests itself on social websites in the form of catchphrases, image macros and other memetic content. It is a staple of international chats and imageboards, such as 4chan's and Krautchan's /int/, where US users frequently interact with posters from other countries, thus creating tensions. While it is mostly Europeans who make use of such memes, (see The Main Difference Between Europe and USA ) this phenomenon is not limited to any country or region. In fact, some users, referred to as "self-hating Americans" resort to America bashing despite being Americans themselves.

Common themes
(note that America Bashing could be considered a type of trolling, so content is not necessarily based on reality or accuracy)

American foreign policy, portrayed as intrusive
Criticism of American military
Criticism of American government
Criticism of American attitudes to foreigners, portrayed as jingoistic
American obesity
Referring to Americans as amerifats, murrifats or murfats
American overconsumption
*American religious attitudes, portrayed as excessively fundamentalistic
*Perceived American rudeness and arrogance
*American culture, portrayed as invasive and of poor quality
*Redneck stereotypes
*Gun control issues
Referring to Americans as Murricans or murkans in an effort to imitate Bible Belt accents
An offshoot of this is the stereotype of Americans as stupid and uneducated
*"Only in America": pictures or copypasta based on the stereotype that some strange or reprehensible behaviors and events are only possible in the US.
*Perceived contradictions in American society. For example the catchphrase "America, Land of the Free" is often posted next to a picture showing that the number of prisoners per capita in the US is the highest in the world.
The most common form of such memes is to pair the catchphrase America Fuck Yeah! with a picture showing America in an overly negative light
*Various conspiracy theories implying that the US is controlled by Jewish lobbies, corporations or secret societies
*Making fun of 9/11 and other traumatic events to elicit anger and negative reactions
*Graphs and statistical pictures illustrating all the above

America Bashing is a widespread meme that predates the Internet and as such its origin is difficult, if not impossible to determine.

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Well strangely enough America bashing seems to have taken a memetic life of its own, and is now a lot more than just a stereotype or a thing people just do once in a while. Many memes on this site have spawned less content than this one, and I have to deal with this anti-american trend everyday on the imageboards I post in. I get what you're saying : this shouldn't normally be a meme. But it has become one.


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