Balkan Memes - Images
Place your bets | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Bosnia Strong | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
True | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Wait, Romanians are not robbers? | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Least innovative school in Greece | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Serbia be like | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
IRL Balkans is not for the faint of heart | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
BASED FINLAND | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
The only Balkan colony | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Average turk views on civilian death | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Europen girl cant reject their BULG-ARIAN Genes and BULG-ARIAN sperm is stronger then GAYREEK | /r/2...
Balkan Memes
For all the non-Bosnian speakers here the translation:Strongest s*rb wanted to take over kosovo,but ...
Balkan Memes
Фри Косова шчипериа етнике | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Serbian Cognitive Dissonance Explained | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Most satisfied citizen in Turkey | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Turkey is the least assimilated by the cringe Brits | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Least snobbish w*sterners(look at the comments) | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Most dangerous Albanian virus | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
️ | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
I spent way more time on this than Magyar meme deserves | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes