Chris Evans gets jacked for Captain America: “Smiling face with heart-shaped eyesStar-struckSmiling face with heart-shaped eyesStar-struck” Chris Hem...

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
kumail is probably healthier than all of us dunking on him. but still he looks like he got cast in the Lego movie and nobody told him it was a voiceov...

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
I’m ready to fight anyone who has anything negative to say about Kumail Nanjiani!

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
Body shaming Kumail Nanjiani for...being jacked? Is way weird. Especially since all the Chris’ have done the same super-soldier program and never got ...

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
kumail nanjiani getting bullied for being ripped????? what is it cause he’s not blonde? and his name isn’t chris? 6:39 AM · Jan 3, 2021·Twitter for i...

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
Kumail that’s enough! You don’t need more jaw!

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
I have it on good authority that Kumail & Dave “Freaky Friday’d” on the set of Stuber and have been trying to get back to their own bodies ever since.

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
"This is going to be a transformative role for you, Kumail" "Ok but no steroids. I want this to be all me." "We're gonna suck all the fat out of you...

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
The Kumail Nanjiani thing makes me very sad. Our culture has created a system where people attempt to conform to impossible beauty standards to a poin...

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
Chris Pratt can bulk up for a marvel movie and everyone is cool with is. Kumail Nanjiani does it and people call him “grotesque” and assume he’s usi...

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
It's always sunny

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
Kumail Nanjiani steroid face kills me every time

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
wow i can’t believe kumail nanjiani’s transformation for this marvel movie

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
Just saw somebody point out that hench Kumail Nanjiani looks like Ben Throttle and now it's all that I can see when I look at him.

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
whe you’re having a normal dinner and not on the verge of exploding

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House
So Emily and I didn’t go home this year on account of the pandemic.

Buff Kumail Nanjiani At Dinner With Gingerbread House