![CANCEL THE ACCOUNT CANCEL THE ACCOUNT](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/square/000/001/606/aohell.jpg)
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Consumerist user Vincent Ferrari had heard numerous nightmare stories about canceling accounts at AOL, and from judging by the comments posted on several sites on the story, lots of people are having the same problem. He decided to document the herculean task of getting AOL to cancel his account to reveal whether it was difficult as these people were saying, or it was nowhere as difficult and people were just exaggerating. Captured on MP3, the clear request, repeated as unambiguously as it could possibly be, was denied. After every request, AOL CSR John kept trying to 'help' Vincent somehow figure out a way to keep on paying… generally through the ingratiating method of straight out calling him a liar. The full MP3 audio was originally posted on Consumerist.com titled as The Best Thing We Have Ever Posted: Reader Tries To Cancel AOL, and was slashdotted, farked, then ended up on the mainstream media.
The ultimate slap in the face was: "Oh, can I speak to your dad?" I'm 30.
AOL sent an apology to Vincent and CSR John is no longer with the company.
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