Chi-Chi and Goku biting medals.
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal
She's too wholesome for this world. | /r/wholesomememes
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal
Cultural exchange goes both ways
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal
I love this adorable reaction of Chinese gymnast Zhou Yaqin | /r/wholesomememes
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal
where you go, do what you see | /r/wholesomememes
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal
"Cute! #Paris2024" by @vincenthuon
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal
Chinese gymnast Zhou Yaqin reaction to the Italian gymnast podium celebrations
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal
The picture speaks for itself | /r/wholesomememes
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal
Wholesome! | /r/wholesomememes
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal
Grandma about to have nam flashbacks all over again. | /r/dankmemes
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal
Christmas memories | /r/memes
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal
I get distracted sometimes, I'm sorry | /r/dndmemes
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal
That's me in the church ♂️ | /r/memes
Chinese Gymnast Zhou Yaqin Biting Medal