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Confused Screaming

Added 2 years ago by Harvey K • Updated about a month ago by Harvey K
Added 2 years ago by Harvey K • Updated about a month ago by Harvey K

Confused Screaming meme format depicting filthy frank screaming maniacally with a frying pan.
Confused Screaming meme format depicting filthy frank screaming maniacally with a frying pan.


Confused Screaming is a descriptive noise reaction image consisting of a screenshot of Filthy Frank holding a frying pan while screaming in confusion. The image has been used as a reaction image in comments, as well as an accompanying image for attaching to other memes to show confusion or bewilderment.


On December 23th, 2014, YouTuber[1] Filthy Frank posted a video titled "WORST FILM EVER" in which they try to make a film look bad, At 6:35 in the video, he screams while getting hit with a plunger by a shirtless man on the corner of a door. The video garnered over 4 million views in 7 years (shown below).

It is not clear when the screenshot first saw usage as a meme, although it appears to have originated on imageboards such as 4chan. The earliest known posting of the reaction image dates back to February 22nd, 2016,[2] posted to the subreddit /r/conservative[3] that same day.

Confused screaming*


On December 16th, 2017, Memecenter[4] user Nrpyeah uploaded a meme to the site that uses Confused Screaming as a reaction to how a girl can use makeup to look totally different. The post generated over 50 comments from users in response to the meme (shown below).

On the /r/FilthyFrank subreddit, the first example of the meme was posted by Redditor Ioic_de_la_cool on July 16th, 2018, as a reaction to a Powerpuff Girls still image showing Buttercup putting on gloves. The post[5] received 60 upvotes in three years (shown below).

Confused screaming

Various Examples

Before was was was, was was is. People learning English *Confused screaming* made with mematic Also my "music taste Also my music taste My music taste Also my music taste Also my music taste -> Spotify “Made For You" Page: *Confused screaming* Also my music taste When pirate Jean Lafitte saw the governor advertising a $500 reward for his capture, Lafitte offered $5,000 for the capture of the governor. The governor: *Confused screaming*
WHEN AIRPORT SECURITY REALIZE THAT TOILETS HAVE WATER IN THEM *Confused screaming* Pilot: "We will be landing in New York shortly. It is currently 90 degrees..." Europeans on the plane: *Confused screaming* People who haven't seen The Clone Wars after seeing Darth Maul in Solo: *Confused screaming*


Confused screaming*

Search Interest

External References


[2] Imgur – Untitled

[3] Reddit – Southern strategy

[4] Memecenter – nrpyeah

[5] Reddit – r/FilthyFrank

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