Anime / Manga - Images
Here comes prediction

Anime / Manga
suddenly, chickens

Anime / Manga
Chicks crown

Anime / Manga
1,2,3 cry

Anime / Manga
I'm high bitch

Anime / Manga
Damn man, make your choice

Anime / Manga
Man, I'm so bored

Anime / Manga

Anime / Manga
Sad Renge

Anime / Manga
Comparison of the town of Seize from Sora no Woto, and Cuenca, Spain

Anime / Manga
Actually, the reaction faces from this series are on another level altogether

Anime / Manga

Anime / Manga
Actually, She is Best Vampire Waifu

Anime / Manga
Actually this is a mysterious dance

Anime / Manga
that song at the end of the episode tho...

Anime / Manga
Curling dog

Anime / Manga