Day of the Pillow - Images
When the Day of the Pillow comes no tears will be shed.

Day of the Pillow
Anon foresees the day of the pillow
Day of the Pillow
"Rage, rage, against the dying of the light" by Vox Day

Day of the Pillow
"Dear Boomer" by Vox Day

Day of the Pillow
The day of the pillow is coming

Day of the Pillow

Day of the Pillow
The day of the pillow nears.

Day of the Pillow
Day of the Pillow for All Boomers

Day of the Pillow
Anon on Lawn Mowing
![View Same 90KiB, 400x357, lawns.jpg Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace [13/2/12] Anyways, this is a day of the pillow thread. Recently mowed a lawn Anonymous ID: P7aihM+P Sun 20 Oct 2019 13:48:25 No.230511186 View Reply Original Repor t Quoted By: >>230511399 >>230511424 >>230511768 >>230512493 >>230513120 Visited parents today and I mowed the lawn and I kind of liked it. And I think I get why boomers like mowing their lawn so much. Imagine, if you will, that you were born into the world without any challenges and were handed the world on a silver platter. What would you do? I bet that if you were like most people you would eventually get bored of all the drug the jews were feeding you and set out to solve some problems, But without any problems you would have to create your own. And the perfect problem is your lawn. If you fill your yard with grass you can create a microcosm where you would actually get to experience real responsibility and actual solve a problem for once in your life. The grass in your lawn is demanding but not too demanding. You need only mow it once or twice a week. And it is only as strenuous as you want it to be. You can cut your lawn with a normal lawn mower or a motorized lawn mower or even one of those mowers that come with the chair. For those unfortunate enough to be born into a world without strife of any sort, mowing your lawn would be the perfect way to inject some reality into your life. The only problem here is that there were actual problems out there that you boomers could have actually solved and you ignored them. You could have halted immigration, you could have removed the jews, you could have race war'd now but you cowards left that to your children and will die alone with you lawns, a feeble imitation of real life.](
![View Same 90KiB, 400x357, lawns.jpg Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace [13/2/12] Anyways, this is a day of the pillow thread. Recently mowed a lawn Anonymous ID: P7aihM+P Sun 20 Oct 2019 13:48:25 No.230511186 View Reply Original Repor t Quoted By: >>230511399 >>230511424 >>230511768 >>230512493 >>230513120 Visited parents today and I mowed the lawn and I kind of liked it. And I think I get why boomers like mowing their lawn so much. Imagine, if you will, that you were born into the world without any challenges and were handed the world on a silver platter. What would you do? I bet that if you were like most people you would eventually get bored of all the drug the jews were feeding you and set out to solve some problems, But without any problems you would have to create your own. And the perfect problem is your lawn. If you fill your yard with grass you can create a microcosm where you would actually get to experience real responsibility and actual solve a problem for once in your life. The grass in your lawn is demanding but not too demanding. You need only mow it once or twice a week. And it is only as strenuous as you want it to be. You can cut your lawn with a normal lawn mower or a motorized lawn mower or even one of those mowers that come with the chair. For those unfortunate enough to be born into a world without strife of any sort, mowing your lawn would be the perfect way to inject some reality into your life. The only problem here is that there were actual problems out there that you boomers could have actually solved and you ignored them. You could have halted immigration, you could have removed the jews, you could have race war'd now but you cowards left that to your children and will die alone with you lawns, a feeble imitation of real life.](
Day of the Pillow
Day of the pillow when?
![147KiB, 1800x1200, BlameBoomersRuinFuturePhoto_02.jpg View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace [109/7/58] Anonymous ID: OFFUaODW Tue 24 Sep 2019 23:59:15 No.227683265 View Reply Original Repor t Quoted By: >>227683412 >>227683475 >>227683737 >>227683739 >>227684169 >>227684262 >>227686287 >>227686620 >>227687554 >>227687864 >>227688051 >>227688349 >>227688508 >>227689157 >>227690211 >>227690485 >>227691049 >>227691307 >>227691696 >>227691843 >>227692568 >>227692612 >>227693026 >Parents made $60k to $100k for thier whole lives >They're now past 65. They just informed me have $20k in retirement savings. That's it. Welp. Guess I'm not having kids. No way in f--- can I afford to put them in a home when the time comes. Day of the pillow when?](
![147KiB, 1800x1200, BlameBoomersRuinFuturePhoto_02.jpg View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace [109/7/58] Anonymous ID: OFFUaODW Tue 24 Sep 2019 23:59:15 No.227683265 View Reply Original Repor t Quoted By: >>227683412 >>227683475 >>227683737 >>227683739 >>227684169 >>227684262 >>227686287 >>227686620 >>227687554 >>227687864 >>227688051 >>227688349 >>227688508 >>227689157 >>227690211 >>227690485 >>227691049 >>227691307 >>227691696 >>227691843 >>227692568 >>227692612 >>227693026 >Parents made $60k to $100k for thier whole lives >They're now past 65. They just informed me have $20k in retirement savings. That's it. Welp. Guess I'm not having kids. No way in f--- can I afford to put them in a home when the time comes. Day of the pillow when?](
Day of the Pillow
Day of the pillow when for boomers?

Day of the Pillow
Day of the Pillow, when?
![212KiB, 480x300, boomer.png View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace Anonymous [2/2/2] ID: 4D2inRs6 Sat 04 May 2019 14:13:13 No.212100596 View Reply Original Repor t Quoted By: >>212100744 Baby boomers £78,000 (USD: 103,000) wealthier than people the same age a decade ago >Over the period the total wealth of people in their early 40s fell by £28,000, from over £100,000 to around £80,000, representing the sharpest fall of any age group. Archive: Source: age-decade-ago/ Day of the Pillow, when?](
![212KiB, 480x300, boomer.png View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace Anonymous [2/2/2] ID: 4D2inRs6 Sat 04 May 2019 14:13:13 No.212100596 View Reply Original Repor t Quoted By: >>212100744 Baby boomers £78,000 (USD: 103,000) wealthier than people the same age a decade ago >Over the period the total wealth of people in their early 40s fell by £28,000, from over £100,000 to around £80,000, representing the sharpest fall of any age group. Archive: Source: age-decade-ago/ Day of the Pillow, when?](
Day of the Pillow
The Day of the Pillow inches ever closer.
![View Same 1MiB, 1252x658, der boomer.png Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace >be boomer >love the holy land Israel >own a panting business (auto I think) >have unrealistic work requirements >pay millennial and zoomer peanuts anyway >several of them ghost der boomer >get assblasted and make a video about it The Day of the Pillow inches ever closer. [8/1/7] archetype boomer BTFOs millennials and zoomers Anonymous ID: Gu9Vkp5q Tue 16 Apr 2019 19:03:21 No.210208387 View Reply Original Repor t Quoted By: >>210208504 >>210208737 >>210209554 >>210211546 >>210211767](
![View Same 1MiB, 1252x658, der boomer.png Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace >be boomer >love the holy land Israel >own a panting business (auto I think) >have unrealistic work requirements >pay millennial and zoomer peanuts anyway >several of them ghost der boomer >get assblasted and make a video about it The Day of the Pillow inches ever closer. [8/1/7] archetype boomer BTFOs millennials and zoomers Anonymous ID: Gu9Vkp5q Tue 16 Apr 2019 19:03:21 No.210208387 View Reply Original Repor t Quoted By: >>210208504 >>210208737 >>210209554 >>210211546 >>210211767](
Day of the Pillow
The day of the pillow can not come soon enough
![85KiB, 707x500, 1540870858773.jpg View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace ↓ Boomer hate thread [9/4/7] Anonymous ID: 4wP4k7Ad Fri 07 Dec 2018 16:49:04 No.195930424 View Reply Original Repor t Quoted By: >>195930596 >>195933691 >>195935653 The day of the pillow can not come soon enough. The crimes of the eternal Boomer must be answered for. Their forefathers came from a world made from mud and left it as one of marble. The Greatest Generation endured the great depression and the most horrific world conflict in all history. They lived in abject poverty, suffering and turmoil and from the ruins, left a world of prosperity and abundance. They were bled white to ensure the future security of their people. And how did the Boomer repay their own kin? The Greatest Generation were left to rot in nursing homes whilst the Boomer burned their draft cards and snorted cocaine in a haze of hedonistic corporate materialism. Historically, it was the norm for the children to support the men and women who raised them, but they skirted their communal responsibilites and abandoned their families, community and God to chase fast cars and momentary material wealth. But of course, the Boomer is a historical anomaly. If it weren't enough to forsake their own fathers, the Boomer has felt it necessary to be the first generation in history to leave their children worse off than than themselves. To come from a world abound of plenty and leaving only debt slavery and a demographic calamity in its wake. We cant let them get away with what they have done. The Boomer will pay for their crimes. We will retake what is ours. We will return back to what made us once great. Community, Brotherhood, God. A man without spirit is no man at all. A nation is its people and we will take back what is ours. The day off the pillow is near.](
![85KiB, 707x500, 1540870858773.jpg View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace ↓ Boomer hate thread [9/4/7] Anonymous ID: 4wP4k7Ad Fri 07 Dec 2018 16:49:04 No.195930424 View Reply Original Repor t Quoted By: >>195930596 >>195933691 >>195935653 The day of the pillow can not come soon enough. The crimes of the eternal Boomer must be answered for. Their forefathers came from a world made from mud and left it as one of marble. The Greatest Generation endured the great depression and the most horrific world conflict in all history. They lived in abject poverty, suffering and turmoil and from the ruins, left a world of prosperity and abundance. They were bled white to ensure the future security of their people. And how did the Boomer repay their own kin? The Greatest Generation were left to rot in nursing homes whilst the Boomer burned their draft cards and snorted cocaine in a haze of hedonistic corporate materialism. Historically, it was the norm for the children to support the men and women who raised them, but they skirted their communal responsibilites and abandoned their families, community and God to chase fast cars and momentary material wealth. But of course, the Boomer is a historical anomaly. If it weren't enough to forsake their own fathers, the Boomer has felt it necessary to be the first generation in history to leave their children worse off than than themselves. To come from a world abound of plenty and leaving only debt slavery and a demographic calamity in its wake. We cant let them get away with what they have done. The Boomer will pay for their crimes. We will retake what is ours. We will return back to what made us once great. Community, Brotherhood, God. A man without spirit is no man at all. A nation is its people and we will take back what is ours. The day off the pillow is near.](
Day of the Pillow
>day of the pillow arrives

Day of the Pillow
now they are the ones who will be the recipients of the Day of the Pillow by Shaquanda.

Day of the Pillow