Dentist: "Open Up" - Images
Me: “it all started in grade2...”
Dentist: "Open Up"
Dentist: okay open up
Dentist: "Open Up"
Me: sometimes I feel sad
Dentist: "Open Up"
Dentists be like "open up please"
Dentist: "Open Up"
me: HA, so you can break my heart no thanks
Dentist: "Open Up"
Me: ima be completely honest with you bro, i can't remember the last time i woke up and didn't want to end my pathetic life.
Dentist: "Open Up"
me: melodrama never got the recognition it deserved
Dentist: "Open Up"
Dentist: Alright, go ahead and open up Me: I feel like I'm a disappointment to everyone most days
Dentist: "Open Up"
dentist: uhhhhh.....u have 2 cavities
Dentist: "Open Up"
dentist: open up me: it all started at the Cincinatti zoo
Dentist: "Open Up"
dentist: open up me: so it all started online
Dentist: "Open Up"
"Well I guess it all started when my dad left..."
Dentist: "Open Up"
Dentist: "Open Up!"
Dentist: "Open Up"
Where Do I Begin?
Dentist: "Open Up"