Deus Vult - Images
A Cyborg Knight to take back Jerusalem

Deus Vult
Everyone get your buckets, because it's fucking go time!

Deus Vult
Ulterior Motive

Deus Vult
TFW someone puts the milk in before the water when making tea

Deus Vult
Fun for the whole family!

Deus Vult
The hero we need, but don't deserve

Deus Vult
"What are we going to do tonight, Beardy?"

Deus Vult
You have chosen...poorly

Deus Vult
Loads LMG with Religious Intent

Deus Vult
It's that time of the month again.

Deus Vult
100% Arab

Deus Vult
The Holy Land can't even handle me right now!

Deus Vult
Tsundere Crusader

Deus Vult
Urge to Crusade Intensifies

Deus Vult

Deus Vult
the good stuff

Deus Vult