Discord (My Little Pony) - Images

Discord (My Little Pony)

Discord (My Little Pony)

Discord (My Little Pony)

Discord (My Little Pony)
Internet censorship!?

Discord (My Little Pony)

Discord (My Little Pony)

Discord (My Little Pony)
fifty shades of chaos

Discord (My Little Pony)

Discord (My Little Pony)
Wate r u tyin tu mik me stoon

Discord (My Little Pony)
Song of chaos

Discord (My Little Pony)

Discord (My Little Pony)

Discord (My Little Pony)

Discord (My Little Pony)

Discord (My Little Pony)
![Revision as of 20:23, 13 January 2012 (edit) AnomieBOT (talk contribs) m (Dating maintenance tags: Verify source)) ← Previous edit Revision as of 22:20, 13 January 2012 (edit) (undo) (talk) Reception) Next edit → Line 85: Line 85: IGN gave "Dark Souls" a 9.0/10, praising the well-thought out level design, varnety, strong emphasis on online features, excessively dark tone and atmosphere and deep gameplay. They also noted that it is not a game that one can simply jump into and play for plain enjoyment. They went as far to say that it is not a game for the timid and that the game requires both skill and strategy almost all the time. While praising the extremely high difficulty, they stated that "there's a difference between punishing, and downright unfair." IGN gave "Dark Souls" a 9.0/10, praising the well-thought out level design, variety, strong emphasis on online features, excessively dark tone and atmosphere and deep gameplay. They also noted that it is not a game that one can simply jump into and play for plain enjoyment. They went as far to say that it is not a game for the timid and that the game requires both skill and strategy almost all the time. While praising the extremely high difficulty, they stated that "there's a difference between punishing, and downright unfair." [[Eurogamerj] gave "Dark Souls 9/10, saying "If adventure is to surprise and mystify you and invite you to uncover the secrets of a forgotten world taken from you swiftly by the god of disorder "Discord. Your only hope is to collect the elements of harmony and banish him once again, then Dark Souls is a great adventure game. If entertainment is fun without failure and progress without pain, you'll have to find it somewhere else. But you'll be missing out on one of the best games of the year."<ref name-"eurog_dark" {{cite weblast-Welsh Ifirst-cli url=http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20 11-10-03-dark-souls-review title=Dark Souls Review Page 1 . Reviews Ipublisher-Eurogamer.net Idate-2011-10-03 laccessdate 2012-01-13) <fref [[Eurogamerijl gave "Dark Souls" 9/10, saying "If adventure is to surprise and mystify you and invite you to uncover the secrets of a forgotten world taken from you swiftly, then Dark Souls is a great adventure game. If entertainment is fun without failure and progress without pain, you'll have to find it somewhere else. But you'll be missing out on one of the best games of the year."<ref name-"eurog-dark">{{cite weblast-Welsh first-Oli lurl=http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-10-03-dark-souls-review ltitle=Dark Souls Review . Page 1 · Reviews. Ipublisher Eurogamer.net Idate 2011-10-03 laccessdate-2012-01-131)refs](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/256/818/d35.png)
![Revision as of 20:23, 13 January 2012 (edit) AnomieBOT (talk contribs) m (Dating maintenance tags: Verify source)) ← Previous edit Revision as of 22:20, 13 January 2012 (edit) (undo) (talk) Reception) Next edit → Line 85: Line 85: IGN gave "Dark Souls" a 9.0/10, praising the well-thought out level design, varnety, strong emphasis on online features, excessively dark tone and atmosphere and deep gameplay. They also noted that it is not a game that one can simply jump into and play for plain enjoyment. They went as far to say that it is not a game for the timid and that the game requires both skill and strategy almost all the time. While praising the extremely high difficulty, they stated that "there's a difference between punishing, and downright unfair." IGN gave "Dark Souls" a 9.0/10, praising the well-thought out level design, variety, strong emphasis on online features, excessively dark tone and atmosphere and deep gameplay. They also noted that it is not a game that one can simply jump into and play for plain enjoyment. They went as far to say that it is not a game for the timid and that the game requires both skill and strategy almost all the time. While praising the extremely high difficulty, they stated that "there's a difference between punishing, and downright unfair." [[Eurogamerj] gave "Dark Souls 9/10, saying "If adventure is to surprise and mystify you and invite you to uncover the secrets of a forgotten world taken from you swiftly by the god of disorder "Discord. Your only hope is to collect the elements of harmony and banish him once again, then Dark Souls is a great adventure game. If entertainment is fun without failure and progress without pain, you'll have to find it somewhere else. But you'll be missing out on one of the best games of the year."<ref name-"eurog_dark" {{cite weblast-Welsh Ifirst-cli url=http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20 11-10-03-dark-souls-review title=Dark Souls Review Page 1 . Reviews Ipublisher-Eurogamer.net Idate-2011-10-03 laccessdate 2012-01-13) <fref [[Eurogamerijl gave "Dark Souls" 9/10, saying "If adventure is to surprise and mystify you and invite you to uncover the secrets of a forgotten world taken from you swiftly, then Dark Souls is a great adventure game. If entertainment is fun without failure and progress without pain, you'll have to find it somewhere else. But you'll be missing out on one of the best games of the year."<ref name-"eurog-dark">{{cite weblast-Welsh first-Oli lurl=http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-10-03-dark-souls-review ltitle=Dark Souls Review . Page 1 · Reviews. Ipublisher Eurogamer.net Idate 2011-10-03 laccessdate-2012-01-131)refs](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/256/818/d35.png)
Discord (My Little Pony)