Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle - Images
Really makes you think

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle
Stephen Colbert is afraid of debating me. He went one on one with O'Reilly (in character). But @TuckBuckford is 🐔💩

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle
Does @TuckBuckford have the "brain fight" to debate me live? Come on Stephen, you went toe to toe with O'Reilly in character, why not me? 😁

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle
Ex Wife

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle
Kids aren't real

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle
Alex Jones testifies he smokes marijuana to “monitor its strength,” adds it’s now too strong because of George Soros

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle
Alex Jones' court testimony is as surreal as you'd imagine

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle
Alex Jones tells court why he can’t remember facts about his kids: ‘I had a big bowl of chili for lunch’

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle
UPDATE: Jones took stand again. mentioned kids watching him. "they're very proud of the comedy memes that i appear in; online i'm a #1 meme"

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle
InfoWars Chili

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle
Another classic Alex Jones riff caught on tape. Grousing that he never got Pulitzer - don't even want that - for telling truth about 9/11.

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle
“Newman says that in deposition, Alex Jones said he couldn’t recall basic facts about kids, because, ‘I had a big bowl of chili for lunch.’”

Alex Jones' Child-Custody Battle