Alison Rapp's Harassment Controversy - Images
Alison's Family Doxxed
![smol pterodactyl @alisonrapp 3h They've contacted my sister and a friend's employer already View conversation 111 42 smol pterodactyl @alisonrapp 4h Family are now shutting down personal sites and preparing to alert their employers of impending security issues View conversation t 157 55 smol pterodactyl @alisonrapp 4h They've found out where extended family work View conversation 116 41 smol pterodactyl @alisonrapp 4h I'm not going to sav anvthing more about this right now, but just fvi, they're doxxing my family as we speak. This is the world we've made](
![smol pterodactyl @alisonrapp 3h They've contacted my sister and a friend's employer already View conversation 111 42 smol pterodactyl @alisonrapp 4h Family are now shutting down personal sites and preparing to alert their employers of impending security issues View conversation t 157 55 smol pterodactyl @alisonrapp 4h They've found out where extended family work View conversation 116 41 smol pterodactyl @alisonrapp 4h I'm not going to sav anvthing more about this right now, but just fvi, they're doxxing my family as we speak. This is the world we've made](
Alison Rapp's Harassment Controversy
NeoGAF Blames GamerGate
![GAMING Community OFF-TOPIC Community Nintendo drops Alison Rapp (Treehouse) View First Unread Nibel Member (Yesterday, 10:26 PM) Quote Nintendo drops Alison Rapp (Treehouse) #1 smol pterodactyl @alisonrapp 6 Min Today, the decision was made: I am no longer a good, safe representative of Nintendo, and my employment has been terminated 63 15 Gespräch zeigen https:/ atbigelow Member (Yesterday, 10:27 PM) Quote #2 Was making my own topic on this. My OP One of the most charming and passionate Nintendo employees, Alison Rapp, was terminated today She was part of a GG smear campaign painting her as a p-------- apologist and under constant barrage by them Guess they can put a notch in their belt. Someone is ruining gaming and it definitely wasn't Ali NinjaCoachZ Member (Yesterday. 10:27 PM) Quote #3 Based on some of her other tweets, it sounds like Gamergaters contacted Nintendo as part of their "p--------" smear campaign and that led to the firing F--- Gamergate. How can anyone think this is a movement with any merit is beyond me. It's absolutely transparent what their intentions are Worse yet is Nintendo falling for their b-------. I am genuinely disappointed in NoA. Unbelievable I just... I need a minute. From all I have heard they seemed to be a safe and inclusive employer. But this succumbing to a hate group is completely reprehensible. Nintendo should be absolutely ashamed of themselves Last edited by NinjaCoachZ; Yesterday at 10:31 PM](
![GAMING Community OFF-TOPIC Community Nintendo drops Alison Rapp (Treehouse) View First Unread Nibel Member (Yesterday, 10:26 PM) Quote Nintendo drops Alison Rapp (Treehouse) #1 smol pterodactyl @alisonrapp 6 Min Today, the decision was made: I am no longer a good, safe representative of Nintendo, and my employment has been terminated 63 15 Gespräch zeigen https:/ atbigelow Member (Yesterday, 10:27 PM) Quote #2 Was making my own topic on this. My OP One of the most charming and passionate Nintendo employees, Alison Rapp, was terminated today She was part of a GG smear campaign painting her as a p-------- apologist and under constant barrage by them Guess they can put a notch in their belt. Someone is ruining gaming and it definitely wasn't Ali NinjaCoachZ Member (Yesterday. 10:27 PM) Quote #3 Based on some of her other tweets, it sounds like Gamergaters contacted Nintendo as part of their "p--------" smear campaign and that led to the firing F--- Gamergate. How can anyone think this is a movement with any merit is beyond me. It's absolutely transparent what their intentions are Worse yet is Nintendo falling for their b-------. I am genuinely disappointed in NoA. Unbelievable I just... I need a minute. From all I have heard they seemed to be a safe and inclusive employer. But this succumbing to a hate group is completely reprehensible. Nintendo should be absolutely ashamed of themselves Last edited by NinjaCoachZ; Yesterday at 10:31 PM](
Alison Rapp's Harassment Controversy
Alison Rapp's Harassment Controversy
Why Don't You Take A Seat Over Here Ms. Rapp
![Izzy Galvez @iglvzx GG has managed to persuade an anti- sextrafficking org to join their crusade to get Alison Rapp fired from Nintendo @JamieWalton Jamie Walton Follow I just spoke with @NintendoAmerica corporate. They were NOT aware of @alisonrapp's comments Per Nintendo, plz call the consumer services supervisor line 877-803-3676 and send them any documented info about @alisonrapp. They want it! Lyle Yiannopoulos @Lyde15 @JamieWalton Did you reach out to them in real life? IDK if they even use Twitter for anything more than announcements? 51 RETWEETS LIKES 68 11:28 AM-1 Mar 2016 11:27 AM-1 Mar 2016 27 Jamie Walton Jamie Walton @JamieWalton Follow な 2: Follow Spoke with @NintendoAmerica supervisory line. @alisonrapp, you are about to be contacted. "We will handle this IMMEDIATELY. Unacceptable." Do l think she should be fired? Absolutely Many people have lost jobs over public web opinions. But, that isn't my call @NintendoAmerica 90 12 37 2:17 PM-1 Mar 2016 3.04 PM-1 Mar 2016 わ 9:05 PM 01 Mar 16](
![Izzy Galvez @iglvzx GG has managed to persuade an anti- sextrafficking org to join their crusade to get Alison Rapp fired from Nintendo @JamieWalton Jamie Walton Follow I just spoke with @NintendoAmerica corporate. They were NOT aware of @alisonrapp's comments Per Nintendo, plz call the consumer services supervisor line 877-803-3676 and send them any documented info about @alisonrapp. They want it! Lyle Yiannopoulos @Lyde15 @JamieWalton Did you reach out to them in real life? IDK if they even use Twitter for anything more than announcements? 51 RETWEETS LIKES 68 11:28 AM-1 Mar 2016 11:27 AM-1 Mar 2016 27 Jamie Walton Jamie Walton @JamieWalton Follow な 2: Follow Spoke with @NintendoAmerica supervisory line. @alisonrapp, you are about to be contacted. "We will handle this IMMEDIATELY. Unacceptable." Do l think she should be fired? Absolutely Many people have lost jobs over public web opinions. But, that isn't my call @NintendoAmerica 90 12 37 2:17 PM-1 Mar 2016 3.04 PM-1 Mar 2016 わ 9:05 PM 01 Mar 16](
Alison Rapp's Harassment Controversy
Termination Tweets
Alison Rapp's Harassment Controversy
Alison Rap Misandry Tweets
Alison Rapp's Harassment Controversy
Alison Rapp Tweets
Alison Rapp's Harassment Controversy
Eeron Gjoni Tweet
Alison Rapp's Harassment Controversy
Child Pornography Arrest Tweet
![Pterodactyl Princess @alisonrapp ' Follow This kind of legal b------- pisses me off (read my IR thesis before you go hatin' on me, kthnx) 5:06 PM -6 Oct 2011 Police arrest man for child p---------- after tipoff from burglars By Kim Hutcherson, CNN Updated 1632 GMT (2332 HKT) October 7, 2011 Kraig Stockard of Delhi, California, posted $25,000 bail after being booked for possession of child p----------.](
![Pterodactyl Princess @alisonrapp ' Follow This kind of legal b------- pisses me off (read my IR thesis before you go hatin' on me, kthnx) 5:06 PM -6 Oct 2011 Police arrest man for child p---------- after tipoff from burglars By Kim Hutcherson, CNN Updated 1632 GMT (2332 HKT) October 7, 2011 Kraig Stockard of Delhi, California, posted $25,000 bail after being booked for possession of child p----------.](
Alison Rapp's Harassment Controversy
GamerGate Harassment Tweet
Alison Rapp's Harassment Controversy