This Goes All The Way to the Top! by Joey Alison Sayers
Amy Coney Barrett's White House Rose Garden Nomination Ceremony
From tomorrow’s NYT A1, a reminder that the Amy Coney Barrett WH event was not entirely outdoors
Amy Coney Barrett's White House Rose Garden Nomination Ceremony
As Trump gets a top taxpayer-financed Covid treatment, pls remember that he paid virtually no taxes and he is suing in court to try and take away heal...
Amy Coney Barrett's White House Rose Garden Nomination Ceremony
The GOP Senators who tested positive have all had contact with their staff and other Senators. The Senate should quarantine, without hesitation. D...
Amy Coney Barrett's White House Rose Garden Nomination Ceremony
Video of the ACB announcement event on Saturday at the WH featuring Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, who has now tested positive for Covid-19. via
Amy Coney Barrett's White House Rose Garden Nomination Ceremony
We now have two members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who have tested positive for COVID, and there may be more. I wish my colleagues well. It is...
Amy Coney Barrett's White House Rose Garden Nomination Ceremony