#BoycottWaffleHouse - Images
Why are Black people still eating there? It’s clear the police are their security team! Arrested for disputing a difference is price,people& I mean everyone does that all day everyday!#BoycottWaffleHouse!
When is @WaffleHouse going to close for anti-bias training? At this rate they'll need to close for several months to address this issue. How many times do their employees have to call the police on their customers before this company addresses it. Ridicul
https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2018/04/27/video-shows-black-woman-locked-out-of-waffle-house/amp/ … you guys are a racist company, I don’t give a dam what ya say and I am ploy that all black people Refrain from spending their hard earned money a