Evergreen State College's $500,000 settlement
![dubbhead astsoniast Evergreen State Colege has semed a tort claim egainst it from embattled Professor Bret Weinsein and nis wie Professor Heather Heying, for $500,000, according to an emai sent to fecuty Fridey evening They have resigned from their facuity positions at Evargreen fective today The college wl pay them a fotal of $450,000 and contibute an edoitional $30,000 toward meir attomey fees eccording to the emas, sent by John Cemicheel, chief of stew and to the board of in making mis ageement, the college aamits no labilty and rejects the aleganione mede in me tort claim,"Camichael wrote Weinstesn and Heying, bath biology professors, had anginaly sought 3 80 malion in ther claim fled July 5 it aleged that the public niversty permied cutvated and perpetuated a racialy hoe and reteletory work ewvironment hrough a senes of decisions mede at the highest levels, including to officialy support e day of recial segregation, the college has refused ro protect its employees from repeared provocetive and comosive verbal and written hoshty baoed on race, as well 85 threats of phyaical wiolence the clam alleged Back-up documents in the claim a cooy of which wes obrained by The Colege Fix, detal a long and dhvisive bane between some ecuty at he school seeking to instel race-bsed equity plans and conscientirous objectors such as Weinstein and Heying who voiced concem about the plans and supported colorbilind policies The couple, and especaly nensten, 88 freouenty cated racer Dy peera in emais. Colesgues were upset the couple would not support the plans to eevate faculty on the basis of race, or aupport the "Day of Absence in which whte peaple were asked to remain off campus for one day in Apni o students and facuity of color could commiserate aboud appression and similar topiCS Weinetein and Heying could not immediately be reached for comment late Friday by The College For o his email elerting fecuity to the agreement Carmicheel denied mar the Day of ADsence wes discriminaror and eddted colege officiss Took ressonsole and appropriate ateps to engage with protesters duning spring quarter de-eacalate confict, and keep the campAS His memo does nor address how Weinstein was comerved io May in campus buiding and blocked from lesving by rowdy student oroteaters furious he did not aupport the Day of Apsence, videos of the nodert ahow Nor does menton how Evergreen's then-ener of poce suboequenty fold Weinatein his safety on campus could not e guaranfeed and mat it appeared atudlent agitators were looking or him foroing Wainsteln to hald his class in a pank According to me tort claim, et a campus meeting to edaress the racel uneet wenster wes e 80 8cared for h peraonal safety that the meeting "became heated and threatening at Dmes. There was any ane ext and it was compiedely blacked by profesters "Campus ficials had also inatructed Lnvwarsity police to attond the meating unarmed according to the claim Meanhle, protest organzers announced that chairs and food the room were for peaple of color only. When they noticed there were sumicient chairs organcers announced that white peaple had in he back of the oom Adminstrators ncluding President ridges, did noming to prevent mis," e claim added The claim also included emails and screenahots of social meda com mentsかom Evergreen Profossar Narma Loose toward winstin and Heyng that were hostle i nature e exanpia inctided 굻 Facebook post io wnich she wrote on lora couild some e women at Evegreen come and collect Heamer Heying's raciat ass This post prompted ather facuty to call Professor Heying a racists In an emal included in the clam from Lowe to Weinein, she did not deny her words Wrote Lowe Tsald collect because / mink that white peopie ave nesponsible for dealking wth ather whde people when they ane doing recist things Your wie was doing a racist ming You are doing many recisr things One of the most recist things ther you are doing ia insisting on a ictim narative abour me snueon and shanng thet with a-right media daning Tucker Certson Lowe was nor alone in her belets in late May more than 50 sratement celing themseve angry and ustrated and concermed by the backisan against the schoo-and blamed wersten for On es official weosite, me colege asserted aher it ned never asked whites to leave cempus on me Dsy of Absence-8 demonstrably tese 8tatemen! 8180 888erts that demontrations were nonvoient and took place. m ocated areas of the college.. wnich aloo false. the claim aleged "'n dong 30, Evergreen College] continued to support ts facialy discriminatory conduct publicaly rejecting Professor Weinstas compiaints of racial segregation for which he has been repestedty erconated, threatened, atacked and wrongy accused of being ist in the workplace, for months decision was made in part to avoid a loing and ugly court batle This sgreement is in the best interests of Evergreen "Camichaes stated in ht memo ·Years of expensr㈹ and time-consuming tigation would nat help us achieve YEAHI DON'T THINK HE SHOULD HAVE SETTLED ALSO THINK THE STUDENTS SHOULD HAVE BEEN SUED TOo. here was -one Evergreen-emeted iaot an Redain who said Bret ws wrong beceuse he went to Fox News for an interview The idiot did ectuely condemn me students ring and harassing people, but going to Fax News 、that meant .Nnes have been crossed" Even mough Bret also went to let-Ming news sources e Vice before men and the story wes picked up by several news sources without Wenseis novement Aiso, t was the achoor's faut for 'not engaging jthe angry studna mare constructively,-The not ng students were just 71ds", after ad, and kids w㎸ be kids ves, mey may have been legel eduits for everyming but arinking or dwing θ car, Dut mey were kds, nonest? Nooody fee unsafe bir weinstein. he asys brandishing don't think it was for a pickup game en rious Secondly, I'm glad this dude got some money Evergreen is probably going to have a lough tme paying it seeing as theyre already facing a 2.1 milion dollar budget shorttall due to lack of enrolment.I guess leting your students threaten beachers and iot on campus ien't a super great marketing stratogy](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/297/712/c6d.png)
![dubbhead astsoniast Evergreen State Colege has semed a tort claim egainst it from embattled Professor Bret Weinsein and nis wie Professor Heather Heying, for $500,000, according to an emai sent to fecuty Fridey evening They have resigned from their facuity positions at Evargreen fective today The college wl pay them a fotal of $450,000 and contibute an edoitional $30,000 toward meir attomey fees eccording to the emas, sent by John Cemicheel, chief of stew and to the board of in making mis ageement, the college aamits no labilty and rejects the aleganione mede in me tort claim,"Camichael wrote Weinstesn and Heying, bath biology professors, had anginaly sought 3 80 malion in ther claim fled July 5 it aleged that the public niversty permied cutvated and perpetuated a racialy hoe and reteletory work ewvironment hrough a senes of decisions mede at the highest levels, including to officialy support e day of recial segregation, the college has refused ro protect its employees from repeared provocetive and comosive verbal and written hoshty baoed on race, as well 85 threats of phyaical wiolence the clam alleged Back-up documents in the claim a cooy of which wes obrained by The Colege Fix, detal a long and dhvisive bane between some ecuty at he school seeking to instel race-bsed equity plans and conscientirous objectors such as Weinstein and Heying who voiced concem about the plans and supported colorbilind policies The couple, and especaly nensten, 88 freouenty cated racer Dy peera in emais. Colesgues were upset the couple would not support the plans to eevate faculty on the basis of race, or aupport the "Day of Absence in which whte peaple were asked to remain off campus for one day in Apni o students and facuity of color could commiserate aboud appression and similar topiCS Weinetein and Heying could not immediately be reached for comment late Friday by The College For o his email elerting fecuity to the agreement Carmicheel denied mar the Day of ADsence wes discriminaror and eddted colege officiss Took ressonsole and appropriate ateps to engage with protesters duning spring quarter de-eacalate confict, and keep the campAS His memo does nor address how Weinstein was comerved io May in campus buiding and blocked from lesving by rowdy student oroteaters furious he did not aupport the Day of Apsence, videos of the nodert ahow Nor does menton how Evergreen's then-ener of poce suboequenty fold Weinatein his safety on campus could not e guaranfeed and mat it appeared atudlent agitators were looking or him foroing Wainsteln to hald his class in a pank According to me tort claim, et a campus meeting to edaress the racel uneet wenster wes e 80 8cared for h peraonal safety that the meeting "became heated and threatening at Dmes. There was any ane ext and it was compiedely blacked by profesters "Campus ficials had also inatructed Lnvwarsity police to attond the meating unarmed according to the claim Meanhle, protest organzers announced that chairs and food the room were for peaple of color only. When they noticed there were sumicient chairs organcers announced that white peaple had in he back of the oom Adminstrators ncluding President ridges, did noming to prevent mis," e claim added The claim also included emails and screenahots of social meda com mentsかom Evergreen Profossar Narma Loose toward winstin and Heyng that were hostle i nature e exanpia inctided 굻 Facebook post io wnich she wrote on lora couild some e women at Evegreen come and collect Heamer Heying's raciat ass This post prompted ather facuty to call Professor Heying a racists In an emal included in the clam from Lowe to Weinein, she did not deny her words Wrote Lowe Tsald collect because / mink that white peopie ave nesponsible for dealking wth ather whde people when they ane doing recist things Your wie was doing a racist ming You are doing many recisr things One of the most recist things ther you are doing ia insisting on a ictim narative abour me snueon and shanng thet with a-right media daning Tucker Certson Lowe was nor alone in her belets in late May more than 50 sratement celing themseve angry and ustrated and concermed by the backisan against the schoo-and blamed wersten for On es official weosite, me colege asserted aher it ned never asked whites to leave cempus on me Dsy of Absence-8 demonstrably tese 8tatemen! 8180 888erts that demontrations were nonvoient and took place. m ocated areas of the college.. wnich aloo false. the claim aleged "'n dong 30, Evergreen College] continued to support ts facialy discriminatory conduct publicaly rejecting Professor Weinstas compiaints of racial segregation for which he has been repestedty erconated, threatened, atacked and wrongy accused of being ist in the workplace, for months decision was made in part to avoid a loing and ugly court batle This sgreement is in the best interests of Evergreen "Camichaes stated in ht memo ·Years of expensr㈹ and time-consuming tigation would nat help us achieve YEAHI DON'T THINK HE SHOULD HAVE SETTLED ALSO THINK THE STUDENTS SHOULD HAVE BEEN SUED TOo. here was -one Evergreen-emeted iaot an Redain who said Bret ws wrong beceuse he went to Fox News for an interview The idiot did ectuely condemn me students ring and harassing people, but going to Fax News 、that meant .Nnes have been crossed" Even mough Bret also went to let-Ming news sources e Vice before men and the story wes picked up by several news sources without Wenseis novement Aiso, t was the achoor's faut for 'not engaging jthe angry studna mare constructively,-The not ng students were just 71ds", after ad, and kids w㎸ be kids ves, mey may have been legel eduits for everyming but arinking or dwing θ car, Dut mey were kds, nonest? Nooody fee unsafe bir weinstein. he asys brandishing don't think it was for a pickup game en rious Secondly, I'm glad this dude got some money Evergreen is probably going to have a lough tme paying it seeing as theyre already facing a 2.1 milion dollar budget shorttall due to lack of enrolment.I guess leting your students threaten beachers and iot on campus ien't a super great marketing stratogy](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/297/712/c6d.png)
Evergreen State College Racism Protests
![archive.is Evergreen State College administrators finally tell SJWs their action... D gismine lastsonlost A Friday memo emailed from Washington's Evergreen State College's administrators to the student body said that actions taken by the social justice advocates over the last few months including intimidation and prohibition of egress from school areas-have been illegal and could result in criminal charges.According to The College Fix, Vice President for Student Affairs Wendy Endress wrote in a July 14 memo that recent events by social justice warrior students have tarnished Evergreen State College's reputation to the point that Furthermore, Endress noted that Washington s to phase out public funding for Evergreen, turning the college into a private entity According to the College Fix in early June state Rep. Matt Manweller introduced House Bill 2221, and state Sen. Phil Fortunato introduced sister legislation Senate Bill 5946. The bills would remove funding from Evergreen, and "give it to the UW engineering program, STEM programs, math, [and] science," according a KIRO interview with Manweller on June 8."Let's spend the money on a credible degree rather than a social justice, victimization, woe-is-me, I want reparations, pseudo-science they are teaching at Evergreen," Manweller told KIRO. When this bill passes, they can still feed each other all the Marxist nonsense they want, they just won't be able to do it with money from my constituents unless my constituents choose to donate to it- which I doubt," Fortunato told on June 4.In Endress' memo, she listed two incidents in particular as their "greatest concern." On May 23, a sizable group approached the classroom where faculty member Bret Weinstein was leading his academic program, Hacking Human Nature. The group interrupted the program and others held in the same building, shouted for Weinstein to resign, and blocked Evergreen law enforcement officers who were responding to a call about the situation.On May 24, some Evergreen employees working in the Library felt trapped in the building due to protestors blocking exits and office doors; some employees reported being stopped in the parking lot and on the roadway, questioned, and detained in their vehicles, and more than one individual reported being followed and their freedom of movement hindered Endress' memo went on to warn students that intimidation, and obstructing people from leaving is "criminal," and may result in charges, College Fix reported."In the future, individuals could be charged with crimes including obstructing law enforcement, disorderly conduct, criminal mischief, and/or unlawful imprisonment, Endress wrote. "Preventing a law enforcement officer from responding could place community members at great risk. Blocking egress doors is a violation of fire codes. This action endangered everyone in the Library. "According to College Fix, Endress did not mention the incidents involving the that assaulted a dissenting student, nor the intimidation of college President George Bridges, who was given a list of demands as Much of Evergreen's troubles began in May, when in which black and Latino students typically leave the campus. That year, black and Latino students wanted to reverse the order, forcing white students to leave. This resulted in the May 23 incident where a group of student activists confronted Weinstein, then screamed and insulted the professor About f------ time. Should have been addressed from day 1 Now how about we put University of Virginia, Drake, Missouri, Berkeley and Columbia on chopping block too. These institutions need major Capital flight.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/276/899/395.png)
![archive.is Evergreen State College administrators finally tell SJWs their action... D gismine lastsonlost A Friday memo emailed from Washington's Evergreen State College's administrators to the student body said that actions taken by the social justice advocates over the last few months including intimidation and prohibition of egress from school areas-have been illegal and could result in criminal charges.According to The College Fix, Vice President for Student Affairs Wendy Endress wrote in a July 14 memo that recent events by social justice warrior students have tarnished Evergreen State College's reputation to the point that Furthermore, Endress noted that Washington s to phase out public funding for Evergreen, turning the college into a private entity According to the College Fix in early June state Rep. Matt Manweller introduced House Bill 2221, and state Sen. Phil Fortunato introduced sister legislation Senate Bill 5946. The bills would remove funding from Evergreen, and "give it to the UW engineering program, STEM programs, math, [and] science," according a KIRO interview with Manweller on June 8."Let's spend the money on a credible degree rather than a social justice, victimization, woe-is-me, I want reparations, pseudo-science they are teaching at Evergreen," Manweller told KIRO. When this bill passes, they can still feed each other all the Marxist nonsense they want, they just won't be able to do it with money from my constituents unless my constituents choose to donate to it- which I doubt," Fortunato told on June 4.In Endress' memo, she listed two incidents in particular as their "greatest concern." On May 23, a sizable group approached the classroom where faculty member Bret Weinstein was leading his academic program, Hacking Human Nature. The group interrupted the program and others held in the same building, shouted for Weinstein to resign, and blocked Evergreen law enforcement officers who were responding to a call about the situation.On May 24, some Evergreen employees working in the Library felt trapped in the building due to protestors blocking exits and office doors; some employees reported being stopped in the parking lot and on the roadway, questioned, and detained in their vehicles, and more than one individual reported being followed and their freedom of movement hindered Endress' memo went on to warn students that intimidation, and obstructing people from leaving is "criminal," and may result in charges, College Fix reported."In the future, individuals could be charged with crimes including obstructing law enforcement, disorderly conduct, criminal mischief, and/or unlawful imprisonment, Endress wrote. "Preventing a law enforcement officer from responding could place community members at great risk. Blocking egress doors is a violation of fire codes. This action endangered everyone in the Library. "According to College Fix, Endress did not mention the incidents involving the that assaulted a dissenting student, nor the intimidation of college President George Bridges, who was given a list of demands as Much of Evergreen's troubles began in May, when in which black and Latino students typically leave the campus. That year, black and Latino students wanted to reverse the order, forcing white students to leave. This resulted in the May 23 incident where a group of student activists confronted Weinstein, then screamed and insulted the professor About f------ time. Should have been addressed from day 1 Now how about we put University of Virginia, Drake, Missouri, Berkeley and Columbia on chopping block too. These institutions need major Capital flight.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/276/899/395.png)
Evergreen State College Racism Protests
College Cuts


Evergreen State College Racism Protests
Bret Weinstein's Letter to Rashida


Evergreen State College Racism Protests
Eric Weinstein's Tweet


Evergreen State College Racism Protests
Diana S. Fleischman


Evergreen State College Racism Protests
Eric Weinstein's Tweet


Evergreen State College Racism Protests
Eric Weinstein's Tweet


Evergreen State College Racism Protests