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WaPo finally realises that 'Fake News' wasn't such a good idea

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Macedonian Fake News Articles
![ALL NEWS ABOUT POLITICS Pope Francis Forbids Catholics From Voting For Hillary! ELECTIONS 2016 POLITICS USA O Passeson Cober 282016 BREAKING: PROOF SURFACES THAT OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYA-TRUMP WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG. Cardinal Ratzainger, who became Pope Benedict XvI in 2005 and served through 2013, wroce a bistering letcer in 2034 forbiddng Catholics from voring for protortion Hillary Clinton or anyone at⑩ espouses her ideas. The letter reads The Church teaches that abcrtion or euthanasia is a grave sin. The Encyclical Letter Evangelium wtae, wth reference to REAKIN 萬h EW October 31, 2016 admin P 0 PROOF SURFACES THAT OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYA TRUMP WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG... Kenya has been the main reason why Obama has been dealing .. Robert De Niro Switches To Trump Shocks Hollywood O Passe5on Cctober 28,216 Mary Holywood celebrities have openly spoken about their faith in Donald Truma, but one comes as a surprise to many. The last celebrity that opened up on the matter is a wel -respected actor director, and 교 true mov star, whose voice is definitely heard in Hollywood. Today, right next to trump stands Robert De Nro, Bill Clintin's S x Tare Just Leaked (VIDEO) e to October 28, 2016 admin P 0 While the mainstream media continues to target Donald Trump for s'xual assault allegations, despite the fact that there is no evidence to support them, it [] BILL CLINTON'S StX TAPE JUST LEAKED Oprah Tells FOX News Host Some White People Have To Die', Her Reasoning Is Unbelievable](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/199/487/231.jpg)
![ALL NEWS ABOUT POLITICS Pope Francis Forbids Catholics From Voting For Hillary! ELECTIONS 2016 POLITICS USA O Passeson Cober 282016 BREAKING: PROOF SURFACES THAT OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYA-TRUMP WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG. Cardinal Ratzainger, who became Pope Benedict XvI in 2005 and served through 2013, wroce a bistering letcer in 2034 forbiddng Catholics from voring for protortion Hillary Clinton or anyone at⑩ espouses her ideas. The letter reads The Church teaches that abcrtion or euthanasia is a grave sin. The Encyclical Letter Evangelium wtae, wth reference to REAKIN 萬h EW October 31, 2016 admin P 0 PROOF SURFACES THAT OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYA TRUMP WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG... Kenya has been the main reason why Obama has been dealing .. Robert De Niro Switches To Trump Shocks Hollywood O Passe5on Cctober 28,216 Mary Holywood celebrities have openly spoken about their faith in Donald Truma, but one comes as a surprise to many. The last celebrity that opened up on the matter is a wel -respected actor director, and 교 true mov star, whose voice is definitely heard in Hollywood. Today, right next to trump stands Robert De Nro, Bill Clintin's S x Tare Just Leaked (VIDEO) e to October 28, 2016 admin P 0 While the mainstream media continues to target Donald Trump for s'xual assault allegations, despite the fact that there is no evidence to support them, it [] BILL CLINTON'S StX TAPE JUST LEAKED Oprah Tells FOX News Host Some White People Have To Die', Her Reasoning Is Unbelievable](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/199/487/231.jpg)
Facebook Fake News Controversy
Washington Post Makes Fake News Story About "Fake News"

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US Government Passes Bill to Censor "fake news/Alternative media"

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Fake News Collection

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Your parents in 1996: Don't trust ANYONE on the Internet. Your parents in 2016: Freedom Eagle dot F...

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Huffington Post Lies About The Election Predictions

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CNN the Trash Talker

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Journalist Admits that Mainstream Media is Completely Fake

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List of "journalists" who colluded with the Clinton campaign

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