Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks - Images
🎨 beta hilda i love you so much - by stardaroi
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
beta hilda - by ScarletKoito
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
"Only time I’m gonna talk abt it but the beta BW protags r so cute wtf" - by KaiRubyz
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
beta hilda gave me skater energy idk - by TheCappuccino04
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
It continues

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
In light of recent lore leaks

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Typhlosion's noble sacrifice

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Just a picture of Charizard and Typhlosion for no particular reason

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Typhlosion, no...

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Not all typhlosion

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
pmyth03, in which Arceus took the form of a human female, had sex with a human male, and gave birth ...

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Boy, being a pokemon fan after today sure is something....

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
October 13th, 2024 Pokémon Creation Myth from 4chan's /vp/
![DPのポケモン神話に基づく配置図 "Birthly"? [バースリー Dragonite Entei (エンテイ Raikou ライコウ ホウオウ Ho-Oh Suicune スイクン レイ ミュウ Mew "Ry" Latios カイリュー (Uxie) ラティオス Metagross Rayquaza Aus Kyogre Celebi ギャラドス (Arceus) メタグロス (レックウザ (セレビィ 【カイオーガ "Smilay"? スマイレー Gyarados Tyranitar Moltres (ファイヤー Lugia ルギア アウス バンギラス "la" エア Zapdos [サンダー] ハイ '"Hy" (Azelf) (Dialga) Latias ラティアス "Ea" (Palkia) "Ay" (Mesprit) グラードン Groudon ゴードン ダーブ サーン (フリーザー Articuno "Dahabu"? Jirachi ジラーチ "Saan"? "Gordon"? デオキシス Deoxys 神話の構成 |創造の神 |絶対神 AUS すべての神 God of All 時空 物質界の神 JA EA 空間の神 時間の神 God of Te God of Space |こころ 精神界の神 RY | 知識の神 God of Knowledge AY 感情の神 God of motion HY 意志の神 God of Will power 3つのバランス調和の神 內銀河 9つの支え |支えの神 | RAYQUAZA 天空の神 | GROUDON 大地の神 KYOGRE ILATIOS Supporting METAGROSS Gods Pseudo Legendaries LATIAS || DRAGONITE GYARADOS TYRANITAR DAHABU SAAN GORDON 海の神 外銀河 |3つの創造 創造の神 HO-OH |LUGIA TEX 3種のしもべしもべの神 SUICUNE, ENTEL RAIKOU Servant Gods | ARTICUNO, ZAPDOS, MOLTRES REGICE, REGIROCK, REGISTEEL 6つの隠れ アイ レジアイス レジロック Regirock Regice テックス "Tex" (Regigigas) ※円のサイズ=パワー レジスチル Registeel 見えない神 MEW Mythica's o CELEBI DEOXYS JIRACHI SMILAY BIRTHLEE Aug/1/2005 GAME FREAK inc. Junichi Masuda](
![DPのポケモン神話に基づく配置図 "Birthly"? [バースリー Dragonite Entei (エンテイ Raikou ライコウ ホウオウ Ho-Oh Suicune スイクン レイ ミュウ Mew "Ry" Latios カイリュー (Uxie) ラティオス Metagross Rayquaza Aus Kyogre Celebi ギャラドス (Arceus) メタグロス (レックウザ (セレビィ 【カイオーガ "Smilay"? スマイレー Gyarados Tyranitar Moltres (ファイヤー Lugia ルギア アウス バンギラス "la" エア Zapdos [サンダー] ハイ '"Hy" (Azelf) (Dialga) Latias ラティアス "Ea" (Palkia) "Ay" (Mesprit) グラードン Groudon ゴードン ダーブ サーン (フリーザー Articuno "Dahabu"? Jirachi ジラーチ "Saan"? "Gordon"? デオキシス Deoxys 神話の構成 |創造の神 |絶対神 AUS すべての神 God of All 時空 物質界の神 JA EA 空間の神 時間の神 God of Te God of Space |こころ 精神界の神 RY | 知識の神 God of Knowledge AY 感情の神 God of motion HY 意志の神 God of Will power 3つのバランス調和の神 內銀河 9つの支え |支えの神 | RAYQUAZA 天空の神 | GROUDON 大地の神 KYOGRE ILATIOS Supporting METAGROSS Gods Pseudo Legendaries LATIAS || DRAGONITE GYARADOS TYRANITAR DAHABU SAAN GORDON 海の神 外銀河 |3つの創造 創造の神 HO-OH |LUGIA TEX 3種のしもべしもべの神 SUICUNE, ENTEL RAIKOU Servant Gods | ARTICUNO, ZAPDOS, MOLTRES REGICE, REGIROCK, REGISTEEL 6つの隠れ アイ レジアイス レジロック Regirock Regice テックス "Tex" (Regigigas) ※円のサイズ=パワー レジスチル Registeel 見えない神 MEW Mythica's o CELEBI DEOXYS JIRACHI SMILAY BIRTHLEE Aug/1/2005 GAME FREAK inc. Junichi Masuda](
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
October 13th, 2024 Pokémon Creation Myth from 4chan's /vp/
![Anonymous Sun 13 Oct 2024 08:30:43 No.56573622 Report Quoted By: >>56573640 >>56573673 >>56573699 >>56573788 >>56573821 >>56578321 >>56573116 [1/2] In the beginning, there was a vortex of chaos. All mixed slowly together, and everything was a blur. One day, a large egg appeared in the center of the chaos. For a long time, the egg continued to shake. Eventually, the vortex stopped, and the egg broke. The absolute god AUS was born. The scattered fragments of the egg transformed into giants, and attacked the newly born AUS. However, AUS quickly grew, and continuously defeated the giants. At last, after a fierce battle, AUS defeated all the giants. The wounded AUS created an alternate self. As the left and right side of AUS's body were different, it created two selves. AUS gathered the body of the defeated giants, and poured its blood into them. From the one who resembled his left poured out light, so AUS named it IA, the god of light. From the one who resembled his right poured out darkness, so AUS named it EA, the god of darkness. To the two, AUS commanded that the world be filled with people, and fell into a deep slumber. Although IA and EA were different in appearance, they loved one another, were joined, and had many children. However, there still existed no world, and their frail children, who had nowhere to go, died one after the other. Though overcome with great sadness, IA and EA thought of creating a world where all could live healthy and prosperous lives. IA and EA called their children REI, the god of eyes; Al, the god of heart; and HAI, the god of voice. When REI open its eyes, everything that was there appeared. There was now contour and color in the world. When Al wished for it, everything that was there could be felt. A sense of calm spread. When HAI shouted, everything that was there trembled. A blessed timbre began to resonate.](
![Anonymous Sun 13 Oct 2024 08:30:43 No.56573622 Report Quoted By: >>56573640 >>56573673 >>56573699 >>56573788 >>56573821 >>56578321 >>56573116 [1/2] In the beginning, there was a vortex of chaos. All mixed slowly together, and everything was a blur. One day, a large egg appeared in the center of the chaos. For a long time, the egg continued to shake. Eventually, the vortex stopped, and the egg broke. The absolute god AUS was born. The scattered fragments of the egg transformed into giants, and attacked the newly born AUS. However, AUS quickly grew, and continuously defeated the giants. At last, after a fierce battle, AUS defeated all the giants. The wounded AUS created an alternate self. As the left and right side of AUS's body were different, it created two selves. AUS gathered the body of the defeated giants, and poured its blood into them. From the one who resembled his left poured out light, so AUS named it IA, the god of light. From the one who resembled his right poured out darkness, so AUS named it EA, the god of darkness. To the two, AUS commanded that the world be filled with people, and fell into a deep slumber. Although IA and EA were different in appearance, they loved one another, were joined, and had many children. However, there still existed no world, and their frail children, who had nowhere to go, died one after the other. Though overcome with great sadness, IA and EA thought of creating a world where all could live healthy and prosperous lives. IA and EA called their children REI, the god of eyes; Al, the god of heart; and HAI, the god of voice. When REI open its eyes, everything that was there appeared. There was now contour and color in the world. When Al wished for it, everything that was there could be felt. A sense of calm spread. When HAI shouted, everything that was there trembled. A blessed timbre began to resonate.](
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
4chan /vp/ Game Freak Lore Was Written by a Woman Theory

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
October 13th, 2024, "Sexy Pilot" Tweet by @CentroLeaks

Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks