Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
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Editor's Note: This entry contains spoilers for upcoming Nintendo and Game Freak releases, including POKÉMON; read at your own risk.
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks refers to an October 12th, 2024, data leak from Pokémon developer Game Freak, supposedly revealing information about Nintendo's next-gen console, an unannounced 10th generation Pokémon game, as well as Pokémon Legends Z-A. The leaks were reportedly first shared on a private Discord server before Pokémon enthusiasts on X / Twitter and 4chan's /vp/ board began discussing the information in the leaks in detail. Game Freak subsequently confirmed the news later on October 12th. The leak reportedly indicated the name of the Game Freak employee responsible, with tech enthusiasts speculating that he may have been a victim of a phishing scam. Notable memes and discourse that emerged surrounding the leaks include jokes about Typhlosion, Octillery, Slaking and memes about Skyla.
On October 12th, 2024 several Pokémon and Nintendo enthusiasts on the internet began discussing a supposedly large data leak from Game Freak circulating online.
That day, X[1] user @nintendeal made one of the first notable posts acknowledging the leak before subsequently deleting the tweet. Nonetheless, the tweet was reposted to 4chan's[2] /vp/ board on October 12th as well, with initial information from the leak being shared on the subsequent thread.

On October 13th, 2024, Game Freak then acknowledged the leak, saying that confidential information had been subject to "unauthorized access by a third party" and that over 2,000 pieces of employee information had been stolen from the company.[3]
The Twitter / X account @CentroLeaks[4] began posting notable information about upcoming Pokémon games, as well as Pokémon lore uncovered from the leak on October 12th, 2024. The first round of leaks showed beta versions and concept art of Gen 3 Pokémon, while subsequent leaks delved into the creation lore of the Pokémon universe.
On October 13th, 2024, multiple unreleased pieces Pokémon lore or origin stories began making the rounds online amid the leaks. X user @CentroLeaks posted three such "creation myths" unearthed from the Game Freak leak, each depicting relations between man and Pokémon, both intimate and violent. @CentroLeaksa[8] post, titled, "WTF Game Freak," gathered over 26,000 likes in a day.

Pokémon fans reacted to the news that the creators of the game had been harboring lore information that pointed to human-pokémon relations on October 13th, including X[9] user @BrendanBlaber, who wrote, "After reading through the Game Freak leaks, I think it might be possible that the reason their games feel so rushed is because they have to spend 30% of their manpower silencing the guy who keeps submitting 'HUMANS AND POKEMON USED TO MATE' over and over again," gathering over 40,000 likes in a day.

Typhlosion Lore
On October 13th, 2024, X[4] user @GireumNewTown posted excerpts showing possible Pokémon lore uncovered in the leak, including a story about how the fire-type Pokemon Typhlosion kidnaps a girl and makes her give birth to a human-Pokemon hybrid. The post gathered over 45,000 likes in a day.
Here's literally a story about Typhlosion kidnapping a girl, gaslighting her, and then making her give birth to a half human half Pokemon child
What the- pic.twitter.com/yBfjPctq7I— Gireum means oil (@GireumNewTown) October 13, 2024
Other internet users on X and Reddit reacted to the lore leak, making memes and jokes about other Pokémon side-eyeing Typhlosion. X[5][6] users @randidesu (seen below, top) and @brycecarringto5 (seen below, bottom) both posted fan art about the new Typhlosion lore, gathering over 42,000 and 23,000 likes, respectively, in a day.

Also on October 13th, X[7] user @MekkanicalSol posted a meme animation about Typhlosion, gathering over 15,000 likes in a day.
in regards to recent news pic.twitter.com/pNxNqe7MIi
— G0Ml 🍉 (@MekkanicalSol) October 14, 2024
Skyla AKA 'Sexy Pilot'
On October 13th, 2024, the X account @CentroLeaks[10] posted about how a Pokémon developer had characterized an in-game character as a "C6 Flight 'Sexy Pilot,'" adding images of Jennifer Lopez as inspiration. The post gathered over 19,000 likes in a day. It is widely believed that this was referring to the Generation V Gym Leader Skyla.

Also on October 13th, 2024, other X users began posting jokes about how Game Freak's designs for Skyla focused on her sex appeal. X[11] user @Shock_and_Roll gathered over 60,000 likes in a day on an October 13th post, while @Trekov1[12] gathered over 40,000 likes on a meme comparing Game Freak's designs for Elesa vs. Skyla.

Octillery Lore
Octillery Game Freak Leaks refers to a notable story uncovered in the 2024 Game Freak Pokémon Gigaleak in which the Pokémon Octillery, an octopus-shaped Pokémon, had sexual relations with a man and bore him a son. The story was one of several that drew commentary and jokes due to the graphic, non-canonical lore for Pokémon uncovered in the leaks, along with stories regarding Typhloshion and Slaking.

Pokémon Creation Myth Leaks
On October 13th, 2024, several Pokémon fans discussed a document found in the leak that appeared to describe the origin and creation of the Pokémon world. 4chan's[13] /vp/ board saw numerous users translating the document and diagram as it garnered attention on the site.
![October 13th, 2024 Pokémon Creation Myth from 4chan's /vp/ DPのポケモン神話に基づく配置図 "Birthly"? [バースリー Dragonite Entei (エンテイ Raikou ライコウ ホウオウ Ho-Oh Suicune スイクン レイ ミュウ Mew "Ry" Latios カイリュー (Uxie) ラティオス Metagross Rayquaza Aus Kyogre Celebi ギャラドス (Arceus) メタグロス (レックウザ (セレビィ 【カイオーガ "Smilay"? スマイレー Gyarados Tyranitar Moltres (ファイヤー Lugia ルギア アウス バンギラス "la" エア Zapdos [サンダー] ハイ '"Hy" (Azelf) (Dialga) Latias ラティアス "Ea" (Palkia) "Ay" (Mesprit) グラードン Groudon ゴードン ダーブ サーン (フリーザー Articuno "Dahabu"? Jirachi ジラーチ "Saan"? "Gordon"? デオキシス Deoxys 神話の構成 |創造の神 |絶対神 AUS すべての神 God of All 時空 物質界の神 JA EA 空間の神 時間の神 God of Te God of Space |こころ 精神界の神 RY | 知識の神 God of Knowledge AY 感情の神 God of motion HY 意志の神 God of Will power 3つのバランス調和の神 內銀河 9つの支え |支えの神 | RAYQUAZA 天空の神 | GROUDON 大地の神 KYOGRE ILATIOS Supporting METAGROSS Gods Pseudo Legendaries LATIAS || DRAGONITE GYARADOS TYRANITAR DAHABU SAAN GORDON 海の神 外銀河 |3つの創造 創造の神 HO-OH |LUGIA TEX 3種のしもべしもべの神 SUICUNE, ENTEL RAIKOU Servant Gods | ARTICUNO, ZAPDOS, MOLTRES REGICE, REGIROCK, REGISTEEL 6つの隠れ アイ レジアイス レジロック Regirock Regice テックス "Tex" (Regigigas) ※円のサイズ=パワー レジスチル Registeel 見えない神 MEW Mythica's o CELEBI DEOXYS JIRACHI SMILAY BIRTHLEE Aug/1/2005 GAME FREAK inc. Junichi Masuda](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/924/674/f37.png)
![October 13th, 2024 Pokémon Creation Myth from 4chan's /vp/ Anonymous Sun 13 Oct 2024 08:30:43 No.56573622 Report Quoted By: >>56573640 >>56573673 >>56573699 >>56573788 >>56573821 >>56578321 >>56573116 [1/2] In the beginning, there was a vortex of chaos. All mixed slowly together, and everything was a blur. One day, a large egg appeared in the center of the chaos. For a long time, the egg continued to shake. Eventually, the vortex stopped, and the egg broke. The absolute god AUS was born. The scattered fragments of the egg transformed into giants, and attacked the newly born AUS. However, AUS quickly grew, and continuously defeated the giants. At last, after a fierce battle, AUS defeated all the giants. The wounded AUS created an alternate self. As the left and right side of AUS's body were different, it created two selves. AUS gathered the body of the defeated giants, and poured its blood into them. From the one who resembled his left poured out light, so AUS named it IA, the god of light. From the one who resembled his right poured out darkness, so AUS named it EA, the god of darkness. To the two, AUS commanded that the world be filled with people, and fell into a deep slumber. Although IA and EA were different in appearance, they loved one another, were joined, and had many children. However, there still existed no world, and their frail children, who had nowhere to go, died one after the other. Though overcome with great sadness, IA and EA thought of creating a world where all could live healthy and prosperous lives. IA and EA called their children REI, the god of eyes; Al, the god of heart; and HAI, the god of voice. When REI open its eyes, everything that was there appeared. There was now contour and color in the world. When Al wished for it, everything that was there could be felt. A sense of calm spread. When HAI shouted, everything that was there trembled. A blessed timbre began to resonate.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/924/671/629.png)
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External References
[1] X – nintendeal
[3] Reddit – /r/Pokemon
[4] X – GireumNewTown
[6] X – brycecarringto5
[7] X – MekkanicalSol
[8] X – CentroLeaks
[9] X – BrendanBlaber
[10] X – CentroLeaks
[11] X – Shock_and_Roll
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Calwings Moderator
Oct 13, 2024 at 02:11PM EDT
Oct 13, 2024 at 02:57PM EDT