Plot twist

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
Suspicious Horse

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
Besides the whole "big pharma" issue, this is another thing the anti-vaxxers fail to understand.

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
Glenn Greenwald Ivermectin Oklahoma Tweet
Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
Rogan Ivermectin 2

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
Rogan Ivermectin 1

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
midwit (ivermectin)

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
The Chad horse

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
Do people not know what big pharma is or something?

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
What a time to be alive - @HannahRoseWoods

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
Literally shitting themselves to own the libs

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
The coin has two sides, and both sides are ugly

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy
Funny meme

Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatment Controversy