Trump Using A Toilet
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Donald Trump using a toilet refers to a series of "jokes" and "memes" centering around the recent controversial decision by current president Donald J. Trump to urinate in his toilet.
Donald Trump is reported to have told a White House staffer "I'll get back to you, I gotta take a leak." on October 5th, 2018 at 5:18 PM. Two minutes later, the sound of urine entering the toilet bowl accompanied by a flush was heard eminating from the bathroom.
Twitter user @SomeBlueCheckmark talked about the incident in a sarcastic manner: "Donald Trump peed in his toilet because of course he would." The tweet receiving 48k Retweets and 142k Likes.
Another user @BeardAndThickFramedGlasses joked about the incident: "Donald Trump pee was orange cause he only drink diet coke and his skin orange LOL"
Congresswoman A. Old Hag (D-CA) simply screamed "RUSSSIAAAA" while slamming her head on her desk until her skull open.
J. K. Rowling also made a statement on this for some reason.
Various Examples (of what we COULD have wrirtten about)
You know while you wrote about a piece of toilet paper stuck to someone's shoe, a recent leak has implied dozens of people in a group where the rape and torture of animals was commonplace, one of the perpetrators being decently prominent furry youtuber Kero the Wolf? You know that a bunch of large YouTubers such as Philip DeFranco promoted BetterHelp, a online therapy service that ended up being a scam as well as selling users conversations with their counselors to train AI?
If you want to report any actual internet news on the website, then there would be a good start. But no, you'd rather make 3 articles a day talking Donald Trump.
Fuck you Matt, and fuck you Literally Media for flooding the website with this bullshit.
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Oct 05, 2018 at 10:19PM EDT