An economic device created by the Knights that say Ni. They demand a shrubbery.
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
It's about sending a message
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Anon explains the consequences of a failed short sell
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
There Go My Heroes
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Introducing Gamestonks-chan
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
RobinhooApp's selling people's shares "for their own good"
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Stonks | /r/ShitPostCrusaders/
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Yall Forgetting They Get You With the Resell Value | /r/memes
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
“I mean, if I went around saying I was a billionaire just because some wannabe astrologist bought pretend numbers from me, they’d put me away!”
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Fellowship of the Compass
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
GameStop right now
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
You think crashing the stock market is funny?
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
“/r/wallstreetbets, you’re not selling your GameStop shares.” “Shove it”
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"--THIS is how you save the world."
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
The Domino Effect
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
It's not about the money, it's about sending a message: POWER TO THE PLAYERS
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
It’s Always Sunny in GameStop | /r/IASIP
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze