Flying Superman Close-up - Images
my clothes in the tumble dryer

Flying Superman Close-up
Make Him More Super
Flying Superman Close-up
The downgrade is absolute. The Man of Steel is unbeatable and Gunn gives us this atrocity.

Flying Superman Close-up
A whole lot of people owe Zack Snyder a massive apology. This looks worst than mediocre.

Flying Superman Close-up
"This Fucking Sucks Actually"
Flying Superman Close-up
can someone explain to me whats wrong with this TWO SECOND clip

Flying Superman Close-up
I’m truly looking for what’s “OFF” about this… the internet has fried yall brains

Flying Superman Close-up
You guys have and always had low standards.

Flying Superman Close-up
Was I lying lmao

Flying Superman Close-up
Am I the only one who doesn’t give a fuck?? Like who cares??

Flying Superman Close-up
I’m sorry, but I can’t get over how goofy this film looks.

Flying Superman Close-up
"Okay David, just look into the camera"

Flying Superman Close-up
Welp, yall are gonna call me a hater again, BUT... I hate this...

Flying Superman Close-up

Flying Superman Close-up
Something just feels OFF

Flying Superman Close-up
This downgrade will literally go down in history books...

Flying Superman Close-up