Greentext Stories - Images
Retardation vs. PTSD

Greentext Stories

Greentext Stories
How could square danceing possibly go wrong?

Greentext Stories
electric sharpener + grease pencil = ???

Greentext Stories
Tards and a Panther

Greentext Stories
Brian and Bradley

Greentext Stories
Jacob want's his home gril!

Greentext Stories
Would this be a point in favor, or aginst; playing on the toilet?

Greentext Stories
A tard at the clinic.

Greentext Stories
Donovan... I got nothing

Greentext Stories
Shit end of the genetics stick.

Greentext Stories
Sounds like he cut it close!

Greentext Stories
Neal and Pil

Greentext Stories
>OP has GF

Greentext Stories
Home Ec, and toothpaste.

Greentext Stories
Remington; alpha tard

Greentext Stories