Greentext Stories - Images
electric sharpener + grease pencil = ???
Greentext Stories
Tards and a Panther
Greentext Stories
Brian and Bradley
Greentext Stories
Jacob want's his home gril!
Greentext Stories
Would this be a point in favor, or aginst; playing on the toilet?
Greentext Stories
A tard at the clinic.
Greentext Stories
Donovan... I got nothing
Greentext Stories
Shit end of the genetics stick.
Greentext Stories
Sounds like he cut it close!
Greentext Stories
Neal and Pil
Greentext Stories
>OP has GF
Greentext Stories
Home Ec, and toothpaste.
Greentext Stories
Remington; alpha tard
Greentext Stories
Triggering you a second time today
Greentext Stories
You will get triggered by this
Greentext Stories
Sir Bearington
Greentext Stories
Good guy anon
Greentext Stories
Could never finish the game
Greentext Stories
911 anon (contains feels)
Greentext Stories
A stepdad and his daughter
Greentext Stories