Greentext Stories - Images
Anon has a loving girlfriend | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon refuses to be normie | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon needs a doctor | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon loves the holidays | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon is a fan of skibidi toilet | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
The crow war screencap

Greentext Stories
Anon takes down a terrorist | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon sees barbie alone | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon builds a coop | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon takes a shit | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
It be like that | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon is a gaybo | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon know an Iranian | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon shits his britches | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon eats some Scooby Snacks | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Aron dont know what to do at UNI | /r/Greentext
![File: 1397837437585.jpg-(44 KB, 421x834, 21f.jpg) Anonymous (ID: 8rz7iHpQ) 04/18/14(Fri) 19:10:37 UTC+3 No.542805150 [Reply] >Be me >At University (college for you amerifags) >Boring as f--- lecture, and my stomach is churning because I was out drinking last night >Chance a fart >Doesn't make any noise but suddenly I feel something down there >shatmypants.jpg >oh f--- >Pants filled with semi-liquid s---, cant risk leaving to clean up >People start to smell it and are turning and looking in my direction >I figure f--- it I'm not sitting with my pants full of s---- >Get up slowly and waddle carefully towards the doors >Literally 1 metre from the door and I feel something roll down my leg >Look behind me, see a p------------ on the floor, people are pointing and whispering >Freeze like a rabbit in the headlights >What the f--- am I supposed to do? Leave it there? Play it off? Pretend it's not mine? Take it with me? >For some reason I decide the best course of action is to pretend to faint >Fall over badly, shoulder lands on the s--- >Roll over to get out of s--- >Realise how fake this looks so I start twitching >Really badly faked seizure, nobody gets up to help, everyone just staring at me rolling around on the floor in my own s--- >No one buying it >Get up and walk out Have to see these people every day.](
![File: 1397837437585.jpg-(44 KB, 421x834, 21f.jpg) Anonymous (ID: 8rz7iHpQ) 04/18/14(Fri) 19:10:37 UTC+3 No.542805150 [Reply] >Be me >At University (college for you amerifags) >Boring as f--- lecture, and my stomach is churning because I was out drinking last night >Chance a fart >Doesn't make any noise but suddenly I feel something down there >shatmypants.jpg >oh f--- >Pants filled with semi-liquid s---, cant risk leaving to clean up >People start to smell it and are turning and looking in my direction >I figure f--- it I'm not sitting with my pants full of s---- >Get up slowly and waddle carefully towards the doors >Literally 1 metre from the door and I feel something roll down my leg >Look behind me, see a p------------ on the floor, people are pointing and whispering >Freeze like a rabbit in the headlights >What the f--- am I supposed to do? Leave it there? Play it off? Pretend it's not mine? Take it with me? >For some reason I decide the best course of action is to pretend to faint >Fall over badly, shoulder lands on the s--- >Roll over to get out of s--- >Realise how fake this looks so I start twitching >Really badly faked seizure, nobody gets up to help, everyone just staring at me rolling around on the floor in my own s--- >No one buying it >Get up and walk out Have to see these people every day.](
Greentext Stories