All Entries - Entries
Does Master Chief's Suit Jack Him Off?

Does Master Chief's Suit Jack Him Off?
Master Chief

Master Chief
Halo (TV Series)

Halo (TV Series)
Halo Needler

Halo Needler
Halo 3 Rat

Halo 3 Rat
Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite
Master Chief, You Mind Telling Me What You're Doing on That Ship?
Master Chief, You Mind Telling Me What You're Doing on That Ship?
Wort Wort Wort

Wort Wort Wort
Current Objective: Survive

Current Objective: Survive
Energy Sword Sunday

Energy Sword Sunday
Arby 'n' The Chief

Arby 'n' The Chief
The Flood Forum (#Offtopic)

The Flood Forum (#Offtopic)
Pretty Cool Guy