When a game you want isn't on your preferred platform

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
Me in Minecraft

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
once again

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
I am once again losing the fucking primary

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
Chris Matthew once again unemployed

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
Another league. Another letdown

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
I Am Once Again Asking for Your Nudes

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
(Muffled "Footbaaalll!" in the distance)
I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
Tree Fiddy

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
Bernie Nukem
I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
Ahh yes.....financial support | /r/memes

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
I am no longer asking

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
I have come for the mask of time.

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
open up that pit

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
Every time

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support
Shadow Clone Jutsu

I Am Once Again Asking for Your Financial Support